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The first day back after a holiday is always horrible. This time is different though. My voice is shot from screaming most of the week. This time, I am back at school with a white scar along the width of my stomach.

I can still remember my mother's tears as she was cleaning my wound, silently cursing my father. She apologized over and over for actions she couldn't prevent.

"You look like hell Elara." Sage jokes. I send a fake smile her way. "Not a talking day?" Tate asks. I shake my head no.

"Miss Malfoy, care to describe a dementor attack for me?" Snape asks. I clear my throat and attempt to answer but as soon as I try to talk, my throat burns. I simply shake my head no.

Snape simply raises an eyebrow before asking another student the same question. I rub the sides of my head to relieve the headache forming. "Are you okay Elara?" Tate asks to which I shake my head no.

"Professor, may I take Elara to the hospital wing?" They raise their hand. Snape simply shoos us out the door.

Madame Pomfrey was shocked when she saw the large scar across my stomach. She gave me a few potions to help reduce the different pains. "Really Tate I'm fine," I assure them quietly. "Okay, remember I'm always here if you need me." They reply.

"Except now, you need to get to class." I smile weakly. I watch as Tate walks in the opposite direction, towards their next class.

"Malfoy!" My heart pounds at the familiar voice. The voice that belongs to the person I protected.

"Fred." I croak out. "Is everything okay?" He asks with a worried tone. "Not that it is any of your concern, I'm doing fine. If you don't mind, I hear my bed calling me." I turn quickly on my heel, leaving Fred with a small hurt expression.

I feel the walls that guard my vulnerability build back up the closer I walk to my common room. The walls that Fred worked so hard to bring down.

|A U T H O R S N O T E|
Caught myself smiling at his name on my phone😔🤚🏼. It's been four years yall-

 It's been four years yall-

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