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"Wake up whore it's time for classes." Sage says while throwing a pillow at my head. "Love you too Sage." I groan while rubbing my eyes. "Also I'm not a whore." I mumble sleepily. "Count on one hand the number of guys you've slept with." She smirks.

"You know what, I'm a whore and I'm proud." I answer before walking into the bathroom. "Wear that one black shirt today, it makes your boobs look great!" She shouts from the bathroom as I look through my clothes. I will forever cherish Sage and our friendship.

My first class is Divination, the only class I have without my friends. I tried to convince Tate to sign up with me but they think this class is boring. Personally, I don't mind it.

"Fancy seeing you here, Malfoy" Someone chuckles beside me. I turn to see Fred, but I decide to tease him. "Which Weasley are you? There are like twenty." I smirk. "Firstly, there are only nine people in my family. Secondly, it's Fred, the best looking." He winks before Trelawney begins speaking.

"Welcome back seventh years. We are going to go straight to learning. We will begin with Dream interpretations, turn your textbooks to page thirty-five, and read to page forty." She instructs before turning to her desk. "Malfoy-" "I have a first name, it's Elara." I interrupt.

"Fine Elara, can I share with you? George must've taken my textbook by accident." Fred asks. "Fine but if you tell anyone about this I won't hesitate to hex you." I groan internally as he scoots closer to me with a cocky grin.

"I have a good feeling about potions this year." Sage states as we exit the classroom. "You say that every year, and every year you barely pass the class." Tate grins. "Play nice you two." I tease as we walk into DADA.

"You've got to be kidding me." I groan at the sight of Fred Weasley. "What is it?" Sage asks. "Fred Weasley is in all of my classes." I sigh heavily as she sits next to me, Tate in front of us and the twins behind us.

"Can't get enough of me can you, Elara?" Fred whispers behind me. "Shut up." I mumble under my breath. "This year will be more hands-on." Snape says. No one knows what I know about him. Everyone trusts him because Dumbledore does.

What Dumbledore doesn't know is Severus Snape has a seat at the Malfoy table.

"I hate school." Rowan groans as he dramatically throws himself onto one of the couches in the common room. "At least I have something decent to look at during charms class." Sage smiles to herself. "You're still not on about Pansy Parkinson are you?" I grimace.

"You can't deny it, she's hot." She replies. "She's obsessed with Draco, and I mean obsessed. Has been since their third year." Sage shrugs before opening one of her textbooks. "Weasley seems to have taken a liking to you this year." She raises an eyebrow at me.

"I would never go for him." I scoff, bringing my attention back to my notes. "What are we talking about?" Tate asks while sitting next to Sage. "The only thing that truly repulses you." Rowan answers.

"Professor Snape?" Tate asks before reaching for their cup of water. "Nope, sex" Sage replies flatly causing Tate to choke on their water. "Yeah gross." They cough out.

| A U T H O U R S N O T E |
I was watching a movie with Charlie (Tate) in it and my mom said he was ugly- ma'am. Also, I'm not really sure why I made Tate asexual, it was somewhat of a last-minute decision. I did have a friend that was asexual and she was one of the funniest people I knew, still is we simply don't talk anymore.

Also, the actor's pronouns are he/him as far as I know.

Also, the actor's pronouns are he/him as far as I know

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