𝐕 | 𝐎 𝐍 𝐄 𝐓 𝐈 𝐌 𝐄 𝐎 𝐍 𝐋 𝐘 ♕

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"Slytherin parties never disappoint." A random person compliments. "We are the best at everything." Rowan jokes causing me to slap his chest. "We aren't cocky around here." I scold playfully. "Who is we?" Sage asks with a smile. "I see a hot girl!" She smirks before downing her drink, handing the cup to me, and walks into the crowd.

"See anyone that you like, Rowan?" I ask while looking at the crowd. "One girl in particular." He replies. "Poor girl." I wink playfully before joining the rest of the dancing crowd.

"Did you plan this?" A voice from behind me asks. "Fred Weasley." I smile. "I know it's been a whole day since you last saw me, must've been horrible." He smirks. "It really was." I fake pout. I can see him trying his best not to look at my chest.

"You're terrible at being slick, Fred Weasley. You can look, I don't mind." I smirk before wrapping my arms around his neck. Sober me probably hates tipsy me right now. "Don't tempt me Elara Malfoy." He replies, keeping his eyes fixed on mine. The song changes to Pray by Xana, perfect.

Tell me what'd you get yourself into

I look around, making sure no one is paying attention to us. "You told me not to tempt you, but what if I wanted to?" I whisper in his ear. I feel his hands rest somewhat respectfully on my waist.

And when she goes home to pray at night
I think I know why

"Then I might just have to give in to you Elara," Fred replies in a hushed tone. I pull away from his neck to meet his eyes. The tension between us is thick as we gaze into one another's eyes.

Red lipstick, hot on my kiss

"Go ahead." I breathe out. He places one hand on the side of my face before pressing his lips to mine roughly. The kiss is heated and desperate.

You feel it when we kiss
It's something dangerous

"Follow me," I say breathlessly, taking his hand and leading him to my dorm room.

As soon as the door is closed and locked, I am pressed against it with Fred's lips on mine. I smile into the kiss as my hands weave through his red hair. Fred lifts me by my waist, forcing my legs to wrap around him. He lays me on my bed before trailing kisses down my neck.

I gasp as he makes small bites on my neck. "You're telling me you've never thought of this?" He whispers against my skin. "Can't say I have." I breathe out. "Your breathing tells me differently." I feel him smirk against my bruised skin. "Hush up and kiss me," I demand, gripping his shirt to bring his lips to mine.

I feel his hands go to the buttons of my jeans. He pulls away, looking into my eyes for permission. I nod in response. Fred unbuttons and unzips my jeans with one hand while the other supports him above me.

I sit up to unzip my top as he pulls my jeans off of my legs. He takes the opportunity to lift his shirt over his head and take off his jeans before moving back on top of me. "You are absolutely mesmerizing Elara," Fred mumbles before pressing kisses to my collar bone.

I tilt my head back slightly as his kisses trail down my body. Fred presses kisses to my inner thighs before using his mouth on me. I gasp, gripping his hair as he uses his tongue to pleasure me in ways I've never felt, damn he's good.

"Fred." I breathe out as he maintains a steady rhythm. My legs begin to shake, my tell-tale sign of being close. Fred pulls his head away, smirking as I pout. "I hate you for that." I state as he removes his boxers.

"I'm sure you do." He smirks before lining himself up with my entrance. "Is this okay?" Fred asks. "Yes, everything is okay," I reply before reaching down to guide him inside me. Fred groans and I gasp as he stretches me out.

"Good?" "Good, move," I demand breathily.

His thrusts start slow, allowing me to get used to him. Our faces are centimeters apart, sharing gasps and groans of pleasure. His pace picks up causing my hands to rest on his forearms. "Just like that." I gasp as he thrusts deep inside me, hitting my sweet spot.

Fred continues to thrust deep, picking up the speed. I tighten around him as I feel my high coming, pressing my lips together to hold in my moans. "Don't hold them in, I want to hear you." Fred groans as I tighten around him once again.

I let out a loud moan in response. "Shit, you're so tight." He says through his teeth. "I'm gonna come." I gasp as my legs begin to shake. "Me too." He replies.

I pull him down to me, catching his lips in mine as I finish. Our kiss is broken by my gasp as he pulls out to finish on my stomach. Fred lays next to me as we both try to catch our breaths.

"This was a one-time thing, okay." I breathe out. "Agreed," Fred replies.

| A U T H O U R S N O T E |
not this being the longest chapter so far-

| A U T H O U R S N O T E |not this being the longest chapter so far-

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