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I've decided to spend today wandering the grounds. Unlike the rest of my family, I love nature. I find it peaceful. Watching how the wind blows through the large pine and oak trees.

Listening to the waves of the Black Lake as they crash lightly onto the shore. Smelling the damp air. Feeling the droplets of last night's rain on my skin from the trees above me.

I come up to a small bridge over a creek not too deep into the woods, I only started coming here once things got really bad at home. Sometimes if I sit here long enough, the deer don't even notice my legs dangling over the edge.

"Be careful, don't wanna fall." A voice lightly teases next to me. "Here to try and seduce me?" I smirk. "That all depends on you darling." The person sits next to me.

"What are you really doing here Fred?" I turn to face him. "I'm here to thank you, Elara. For standing up for my family when you didn't have to." Fred replies. "It means a lot to me." He adds.

"I may not be a huge fan of you Weasleys but you don't deserve the slander from my family," I state. "The rumors might be true," Fred smirks. "What rumor?" I raise an eyebrow. "You are going soft." He teases. I roll my eyes playfully before pushing his shoulder.

"That was you guys?" I wipe a tear of laughter from my eye. "Probably in my top ten favorite pranks we've done." Fred laughs. "Draco had orange hair for two weeks, he was pissed!" I hold my stomach from laughing so hard.

"Careful," Fred says through laughs as he wraps an arm around me to keep me from falling. Our laughter soon fades and the only thing heard is the flowing creek. I rest my head on Fred's shoulder as he pulls me closer to his body.

Maybe the rumors are true.

I might be going soft for this boy.

| A U T H O U R S N O T E |
I have a really good idea for another Fred ff but my anxiety says I can't start working on it until this one is finished being written🙄🤚🏼

| A U T H O U R S N O T E |I have a really good idea for another Fred ff but my anxiety says I can't start working on it until this one is finished being written🙄🤚🏼

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