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"Come on Elara, Tate needs stuff from Diagon Alley and wants us with them." Sage says before shutting my dorm room door. I let out a small groan before shutting my potions textbook.

Today was supposed to be a day where I could relax and finally breathe without looking over my shoulder all summer. Let's just say Malfoy Manor is anything but peaceful these days.

"I need new quills." Tate states as we walk out of another shop. "Why did you need us here for this Tate?" Sage asks before taking a sip of her drink. "Because you three are my only friends and I would've been lonely." They answer with a fake pout.

"I swear Tate, the only reason you are in Slytherin is because you are an Anderson and your parents would've disowned you if you were in Hufflepuff." I smile to myself. "I'm surprised they didn't disown me when I came out." They chuckle

"I'm not sure they fully understand what it means, hell I don't fully understand what it means." Rowan says. "How hard is it to understand? It's not like I don't have feelings, I simply have little to no interest in sexual activity." They grimace at the thought. "As for my gender, or lack there of depending on your definition, I don't feel comfortable being called a boy or girl."

"It makes perfect sense to me." I shrug nonchalantly. "It also sounds cool, asexual non-binary." Sage does her signature jazz hands. "Your turn next Sage." Tate teases. Everyone knows Sage likes girls, she just hasn't put a label on it yet.

"We'll see." She replies. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. A physical reaction I've developed when someone is sneaking up behind me. "Confundus." I watch as the Weasley twins drop whatever was in their hands.

"Better luck next time." I smirk. "How did you know we were behind you?" George asks. "One of my many talents." I wink. "Now if you'll excuse us, we have things to do." I wave before taking Tate's shoulder.

"She's good."

| A U T H O U R S N O T E |
Currently watching POA aka my comfort movie. I'm working on not apologizing for things I do so I will say it once. I'm sorry for the short chapter.
UPDATE: I'm currently writing the next chapter and just wanted to say that Sage and Elara's friendship is HEALTHY some people might view it as toxic but- if you don't call your friends names are you really friends? Sage is essentially Gen-Z as a person.

 UPDATE: I'm currently writing the next chapter and just wanted to say that Sage and Elara's friendship is HEALTHY some people might view it as toxic but- if you don't call your friends names are you really friends? Sage is essentially Gen-Z as a ...

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