𝐕𝐈𝐈 | 𝐂 𝐋 𝐎 𝐒 𝐄 𝐓 ♕

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Today was particularly difficult. It's been a week since Fred and I had our incident and it has felt like my body wants more.

"Miss Malfoy care to tell me how to resist the imperius curse?" Snape asks, snapping me out of my daze. "If I'm being honest professor, I have no idea. Ask someone who studies." I reply with a tight-lipped smile.

Snape simply gives me a face of unamusment before asking another student. "What's got you distracted today?" Tate asks in a hushed tone. "More like who," Sage smirks.

"Shut up," I mumble.

"That wand motion hurts my wrist." Tate whines. "I could do it for ages, what are you talking about?" Sage scoffs. "Hmm let's think what do you do with your hands that I don't, oh right-" "That's enough." I interrupt.

"Elara." Fred grabs my wrist from behind. "Fred. Sorry guys we have to discuss a project for Divination." I say smoothly. "Okay, we'll see you in the common room." Tate waves before walking away with Sage who looks at Fred's grip on my wrist while walking.

"Come on," I say through my teeth, taking Fred to a closet nearby.

"Incendio." I light a lamp at the top of the closet. "Now, what were you thinking, If anyone saw us-" "I can't stop thinking about you." Fred interrupts.

I blink a few times as I try to gather my thoughts. My mind is telling me no, it was a one-time thing. But my body, she's saying go for it. "I can't stop thinking about you either," I reply. "I keep thinking about that night, how it felt." His breath is hot on my face.

He backs me up towards a counter space on the right side of the room. "Thinking about, how you felt." He lifts me with ease, resting me on the counter. "What have you done to me, Elara Malfoy?" He breathes out, our lips barely touching.

Fred brings his hand to the hair on the back of my neck, pulling it lightly but hard enough for my face to be turned up. "You live in my mind always." He confesses before pressing rough kisses to my neck. I gasp as a smile forms on my face at the feeling of his lips on my skin again.

He finally brought his lips up to mine, siding my jacket off my shoulders. Our kiss slowly becomes more desperate and heated the longer it lasts. I wrap my legs around his waist to pull his body closer to mine, begging for friction.

Fred takes my skirt and pulls it up, just past my butt before running his hands along my underwear. "Is this what you want?" He whispers as his fingers toy with me from outside my underwear.

"Yes," I whine as he moves my underwear to the side, sliding two fingers in with ease. I gasp as he gives me no time to adjust before he begins thrusting his fingers. "You need to be quiet doll, don't want anyone hearing you do we?" He raises an eyebrow.

"No." I breathe out as he uses his thumb to circle my clit. "Fuck this, I need to be inside you." Fred groans before sliding his fingers out of me, bringing them to his lips. "You taste amazing." He moans before undoing his belt, pushing his pants down just as quickly.

I take him in my hand, pumping slowly. "Don't tease me Elara," Fred growls. "And what if I did?" I smirk. He takes his hand, wrapping it around my throat. "Then I might just have to punish you." He says before kissing me roughly.

I gasp as he enters me with one deep thrust. His thrusts are fast, knowing this has to be quick. "You feel so good Elara." Fred groans against my lips causing me to suppress a moan. I move my hand behind his neck, twisting my fingers in his red hair as our foreheads rest against one another.

"Fred" I moan quietly as he sucks on my sweet spot under my ear. I don't even care that my butt is getting numb, all I care about is the familiar knot growing tighter in my stomach.

I involuntarily tighten myself around Fred causing him to moan in my ear. Holy hell, that's a beautiful sound. "Are you going to cum for me?" He whispers. "Mhm," I reply, keeping my lips pressed together to keep myself from moaning loudly.

"Go ahead Elara, come for me." Fred orders as my legs tighten around his waist. I bury my face in his shoulder, gasping as the knot unravels. "Shit." He groans as he pulls out. I waste no time dropping to my knees and taking him into my mouth.

"F-fuck I'm gonna-" He bites down on his fingers as he releases into my mouth. He pulls out of my mouth and I swallow. "Good girl." He smiles while gently caressing my cheek with his thumb.

I stand, pulling my skirt up and putting my jacket back on. Fred fixes himself back inside his pants and fixes his messy hair. "One time only huh?" He chuckles. "Shut up," I mumble as I run my fingers through my hair.

"I'll see you at dinner." He says before pressing a kiss to my lips and exiting the small closet. I flatten my skirt and hair once more before leaving the closet.

Damnit Elara. What are you getting yourself into?

| A U T H O U R S N O T E |
So- ig the smut chapters will be the longest ones.

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