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CW: Creepy Men?

CW: Creepy Men?

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ᴇʟᴀʀᴀ ᴀᴍᴀʀɪꜱ ᴍᴀʟꜰᴏʏ & ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏ ʟᴜᴄɪᴜꜱ ᴍᴀʟꜰᴏʏ,

ᴍᴀɴᴅᴀᴛᴏʀʏ ᴍᴇᴇᴛɪɴɢ ᴀᴛ ᴍᴀʟꜰᴏʏ ᴍᴀɴᴏʀ. ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ.

I take a deep breath, looking at myself in the mirror. The skirt I am wearing is far too short for my liking but, it was requested for me to wear. I wipe the tears away as I open my door and walk to the corridor where the meetings are held.

I offer each death eater a drink, the men looking me up and down hungrily. "Everyone welcome our newest member, Mister Rowan Novak." The Dark Lord says causing me to drop the bottle of wine.

He is the one that told my father who I was messing around with.

He is the one that betrayed me.

"Is everything alright Miss Malfoy?" The Dark Lord asks. "Perfectly fine my lord, I apologize for the mess I will clean it immediately." I wave my wand at the mess and it disappears. "Very well, you are excused." He waves me off and I run up the stairs into my room.

I take deep breaths to calm my racing heart.

I thought I knew Rowan, I mean I grew up with him. Sure he was raised by death eaters but so were Sage and Tate, neither of them would ever betray me like that. And I wouldn't betray any of them. Even Rowan. I lay on my bed, clutching one of my pillows tight to my body, closing my eyes, and praying that all of this is some fucked up nightmare.

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay.

We're okay. We're okay. We're okay.

"Mother! Everyone is almost here, is dinner ready?" I shout from the entrance corridor. "Just about!" She shouts back. "Draco, dear, set the table for me?" Mother sighs. "Of course." He smiles before placing down the plates and silverware.

Sage and Hermione are the first to arrive.

"You two look amazing!" I exclaim, wrapping them in a tight hug. "All Mione's doing." Sage grins, giving her girlfriend a kiss on the cheek. "Oh please." Hermione scoffs playfully. It's so amazing seeing them able to be open.

"Mother is still preparing dinner but you may pick your seats." I point them in the direction of the dining room. "Thank you, El." Sage smiles before walking away with her arm wrapped tightly around Hermione's waist.

"Hello, Elara." The familiar dreamy voice of Luna Lovegood. "My favorite innocent couple." I tease. "Yes, it is us." Tate grins. It's so good to see them happy. "Hermione and Sage just arrived, they are in the dining room." Luna hugs me and thanks me before Tate takes her small hand in theirs and leads her into the dining room.

"My favorite Malfoy!" "Rowan! So good to see you." I grin. "Yeah, work has been a pain in my ass lately." He chuckles. "Well the other four just arrived, go make yourself at home." I pat his back as he leaves.

"Look at my girl being all welcoming."

"Fred." I sigh happily, wrapping my arms around his neck and taking in his comforting scent.

Fudge, Cinnamon, and Gunpowder

"I've missed you." He murmurs into my neck. "Me too," I reply. "Come on, my mother cooked dinner." I smile as he takes my hand in his.


"Yes, Fred."

"Open the door."


I sit up in bed, the sound of knocking and sobs waking me up.

I quickly walk to my door and unlock it, a body falling into mine seeking comfort. "Draco?" My younger brother has never been one for affection, so this worries me.

"They made me." He whimpers. "Draco, what did they make you do?" I ask in a hushed voice while shutting the door. "Look." He cries out, lifting his sleeve to real the dark mark.

His mark.

"Draco." I gasp as the black ink moves beneath his skin. "I didn't want to- they- they held me down-" His words are broken by cries. "Draco, calm down. Everything is going to be okay." I attempt to soothe him.

I don't make it a promise, because it's unrealistic.

Nothing is okay.

|A U T H O R S N O T E|
we're getting close.

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