Silent treatment:GB

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No one POV:

"Can you shut up for once please" Grayson yelled at her

"I- fine" she said before walking away

2 days later

Grayson Pov

I fucked up.

I didn't mean to say it. It's just that I was trying to get the podcast ready to upload, and she was asking me things. I- ugh I messed up

Y/n POV:

If he wants me to be shut up ok fine. One thing about me is that I am very very petty like very, so I will give him what he wants.

The next day

Grayson has been trying to talk to me all night, and with me not saying a peep to him. He out of all people should know how petty I am.

I am on my way to the kitchen when i felt someone behind me. i turn around to see grayson hot on my tail. rolling my eyes i went to get some food.

"baby, please talk to me i am sorry i told you to shut up. i didn't mean it princess." grayson knows how much i love him calling me princess, but i had to be strong.

i went on my phone to call Ethan just to mess around with grayson.

"hey e" i said when i saw he answer

"really you are talking to my brother but not me" grayson said behind me

"ooo looked like someone is in the dog house" ethan joked

"ain't that the truth" i mumbled

"anyways ethan i don't have any plans. do you want to hangout today?" i ask knowing i had mad plans with grayson

"but- but we hs plans babyyy" grayson said in a soft tone

"as much as i would love to hangout with your y/n i made plans with kris." ethan said also smiling at the thought of his girlfriend

"ok i hope y'all have fun byeeee" i waved

"bye" he said before hanging up the phone

-later that day-

i been wanting to talk to grayson but i am way to petty to stop now. he gave up trying to talk to me and went out somewhere.

now i was just chilling in the living room watching netflix. i heard the door open so i look and saw grayson with bags in his hand.

"i know you are still mad at me, but princess i can't have you not talking to me." he said putting the bags down in front of me

"so i got all your favorite foods and went to your favorite restaurant and got you some food. just please baby talk to me" he was basically begging at this point

and his face was so cute i couldn't not say anything.

"i forgive you gray" i said

"really?! oh thank god." he pulled me up and started kissing me

"i love you and i am so fucking sorry" grayson said for the millionth time

" i know and i love you too" i said giving him another kiss

"ok let's digg in this food" i said pulling away

a/n: hey guys been way to long

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