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I was lying down by the poolside getting a tan since it's like 90 degrees outside. Plus I just got my hair done and wanted to be glowing when I took some pictures. I turn around so I can get my backside when I felt two arms around me then next thing I know I am in the pool. I float back to the top to see the one and only Grayson fucking Dolan.

" what the actual fuck is wrong with you," I ask getting out the pool

" you looked hot so I thought you needed a bit of cold water," Grayson said with a smile

Usually, I wouldn't be this upset, but not only did I get my hair done two days ago. I didn't want my braids to be fizzy, and because I just got them done they still kinda hurt.

" ugh Grayson I just got my hair done and you knew that, so tell me why I am wet," I said now standing in front of him

"I-I didn't think it was a big deal babe," he said reaching out for my hand which I pulled away. Leaving him butthurt.

" you didn't think it was a big deal really. Bc you know how much I love my hair, and yo-" I cut myself off before it turns into something way bigger then it is

" look I am sorry ok, I forgot about your hair baby," Grayson said sincerely

" it's fine Grayson," you said walking away to go to in the bathroom.

Grayson POV:

Ugh, I am so dumb now she is mad at me. To be honest, I really did forget about her hair I just thought it would be funny I guess not. I just have to make it up to her, and the only way to win her over is food. I went inside to get my keys and went off to the store.

20 minutes later

I came back with her favorite candy, snacks, and some McDonald's. Hopefully, she won't be too mad because her hair is like her baby.


I took a shower to wash off the pool, and then I started to blow dry my hair. As I was moving on the other haft of my hair I hear the bathroom door open and I see Grayson with all of these bags. I was also confused bc I didn't hear him leave.

" where did you go," I said looking at him through the mirror.

" well... I knew you were mad so I went to the store to get your favorite foods and I got you some McDonald's" he said sitting down on the tub.

"Grayson I wasn't mad..I mean I was at first bc I did just get my hair done, but I can't stay mad at you." I said turning around to face him.

"Well, that's good to hear bc I was scared you weren't going to talk to me or something," he said while warping his arms around me.

" well after I am done blow drying we can watch something on Hulu," I said turning back on the blow dryer.

As I was doing that Grayson stopped me and turn it off. I gave him a look of confusion, and I was about to ask him what he was doing. Then he replaced my blow dryer with the McDonald's bag.

" it's my fault so I am going to do your hair then you can eat before it gets cold," he said giving me a kiss

" you so cute gray"

" Thank you, love, I try," he said with a smirk

2o minutes later(it was a lot of hair)

"Thank you again, babe," I said while getting up from the chair

" no problem, now let's watch a movie," he said pulling me into the bed.

" wait," I said getting up to put my hair up.

I saw Grayson roll his eyes playfully while looking for a movie

"Don't judge I knew I would fall asleep so I had to put my hair up." I cuddling him

" I am not judging baby," Grayson said kissing your forehead

After about three and a half movies we got tried, so we went to sleep

" good night baby.. sorry about your hair again"

" it's fine babe really," you said giving him a kiss.

" ok, well good night love you"

" love you too"

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