Tried: EG

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Me and Ethan have been fighting nonstop for the past week, but it feels like months. Most of the fights are dumb it's like I just don't know what to do anymore. I am tried of it. Tried of going to bed alone, tried of the yelling, and just tried of everything.
Ethan was out with Grayson and I am in the bathroom crying my eyes out because I know what's going to happen, but I just don't want it to end. I know all this fighting is going to break this relationship which sucks but what's the point of trying to on to some that's not even there.
Once I kinda calmed my self down a bit I started packing a bag. Which really only made me cry more, so once I was done I heard the front door open.

"Y/n I am home" Ethan yelled

That's other thing he doesn't even call me his cute little nicknames it's just y/n. I didn't say anything I just grabbed my bag and phone, and I was about to go downstairs when Ethan came in the room.

"Didn't you hea-, where are you going" he asked

"To my moms house maybe I don't know yet" I replied trying to go past him. But all he did was block my way.

"Ethan move"

"No, why are you going over there. Is she ok? Did something happen to her?" He was asking these question which I can get, but for some reason it was making me upset

" yes she is fine, ok I am going over there to get away from here ok" I blurted out

" what why" he asked

" why, because Ethan we been fighting nonstop and I am tried of it. You are barely home, and when you are home all we do is fight. Plus the fights we have are childish, so I just need to take a step back" I trying to be calm because the last thing I want it a another fight.

Ethan pov

When I saw y/n carry her bad I thought of the worst. I mean yeah we been fighting , and it's has been my fault. I don't even know why I start them it's just I been stress, and I take it out on the one person who is only trying it help.  Maybe this is a wake up call for me to stop being a dick to her and treat her like she needs to be treated.

"Y/n just list-"

"That's other thing Ethan, you don't  call me baby or bupz or even princess. All you do is call me y/n like you just met me."

She told me and I can see her eyes watering and I go up to hug her but she just pushed me away. Yeah that stung like a bee, but it's my fault she doesn't want me to touch her.

"Just please listen ok. I am sorry for not giving you the attention you need for not being the best boyfriend you need ok I am sorry, but just been so stressed and tried.-"

"You don't think I am tried Ethan. You don't think I am stress about when you are coming home or if the reason behind you coming home so late is because you are cheating. Because I am so tried Ethan, and I don't know if I can do this anymore," Now she was full or crying, and I wish I can hold her but I can't.

"Baby please don't say that ok Please. I will do better I will. I won't sleepover at Grayson's as much as I am now. I will be here with you, and be the boyfriend I have to be the boyfriend that I was. Just please dont leave me" I was now crying because the thought of her leaving it hurts


I am not going to lie seeing Ethan cry hurts, but I just don't  know what to do anymore.

"Ethan I-I miss us." Is all I said before full on sobbing

"Shh it's ok it's ok"

"But it-it's b-because it's like our relationship has nothing left" I said

"It has our love baby. Our love with help us get through it. Please let me make it up to you" Ethan was begging.

Don't think I am this bitch ok because this is hard for me too. I just don't know if I should forgive now or take some time to think about it.

"Just give me some time please" I asked

"Are we over" Ethan panicked

" no, I just need time to think it over. It's more of a pause." I said reaching for his face to wipe away his tears.

"That's a break and a break leads to break up" Ethan said moving his forehead to mine

" no I don't like the word break it's a pause. Because like you said our love will get us through this ok" as much as this hurts I know this is the right thing to do. Right?

"Ok, can I just get one more kiss" Ethan asks

I gave him a nod to which he pulled me into a passionate kiss.  After a couple of seconds I pulled away

"Hey I love you ok"

" I know and I love you too" he said pulling me back in another kiss

Ethan POV

I pulled her into another kiss just in case this is last. I know it's not and she knows, but I just wanted her to know through my kiss that I love her.

"Ethan I am going to now ok?" She said so quietly.

"Ok, I love you" I said putting my hands on the sides of her face 

" I know Ethan, I love you too"

With that she walked past me. I wanted to go after her but I knew I couldn't. I heard the door close, and I just broke down crying.

"I can't believe I lost her" I thought to myself


Once I left the house I went to my car and started sobbing.

"I can't believe I lost him" I thought to myself

A/n: this is my first "deep" imagine so sorry if it not good. If y'all want a part two let me know 😁

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