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Y/n POV:

Y/n POV:

Sometimes i can hate my hair.

It's like a baby you have to take care of it or it's going to look like a mess or a bomb. Anyways I am doing my wash day routine, but I have been so stressed lately with finals coming up I missed like 2 wash days.... never again.

I became looking for my comb and brush but couldn't fine them. As I am looking for them I become getting frustrated and normally when I get frustrated I start crying.

Ethan Pov

I was playing on my game since I don't really feel like streaming today. Knowing that today is wash day y/n is in the bathroom so I try not to bother her as much unless she needs me.

As I was playing my game I could hear her in the bathroom looking for something I assume. I get up to go look to see what's happening, and to my surprise I see her crying.

"Hey hey what's wrong baby." I asked but she was still looking for something

"Y/n,Bubba stop for a second" I said grabbing her wrist

"Hey whatever you are looking for is going to come up ok? Let's just calm down for a second and-

"You don't get it Ethan I can't calm down ok? I have finals and I been studying my ass off. Missing wash day and my hair has been a fucking mess. I- I just am so tried" she cried into my chest

"Shh it's ok I promise. Look how about I get some UberEats and will help you with your hair. Then we can just chill afterwards.. how does that sound?" I ask looking down at her

"Good.. thank you" she said giving me a kiss

"Ahh you don't have to thank me baby I don't like seeing you like this, so I will do everything in my power to make sure you are my happy baby" I told her giving her a kiss before getting my phone so she can watch a show

Y/n POV:

I was currently watching a show on Ethan's phone as I eat my food he got for us. I love him so much.

I told him the steps and if he need help I would help him, but for the most part he's got it down pack. He is the best thing that could have happened to me no joke.

I was in deep thought I didn't hear Ethan calling me until he waved his hand in my face. I pause the video to see what he wanted.

"I am all done all you need to do is get in the shower then I will finish." He told me

"Can you get in the shower with me? I asked

"Of course baby"

-skip shower-

After we got dressed Ethan sat me back down to finish my hair.

"Ok I am going to twist your hair then put on the bonnet then we can cuddle. Ok?" He said

" perfect" I replied going back to watch the show

-some time later-

Once Ethan finished my hair we went to bed to cuddle.

"You know baby I want you to know you can always and I mean always come to be when you are stressed. I never want to see my babygirl cry it breaks me. I love you baby." Ethan told me

"I know you I know. I love you too." I said drifting to sleep

a/n: this is from my Vinnie Hacker book just in case you saw a similarity that's why

also if you want you should go check out my other book. anyways love ya

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