Roadtrip: GB

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Today was the day that I was going on a road trip with Grayson and his friends. I was very excited because I love being on the road. Anyways I was packing Grayson's and I bags because I knew he wouldn't do it until five minutes before we leave. As I was packing I could hear Ethan and Grayson filming, and I knew they were filming because they were loud as hell.

Once I was done I see Grayson standing outside the door.

"Yes," I asked

" Nothing, you just look really cute," he said walking towards me

" stop it. Also, I packed your bag because I know you would wait to the late minute" I glared at him

" you know me so well baby. Are you ready for this road trip because I am so fucking excited for it-" As he was talking I could see the excitement in his eyes. Which is what I love about him because it's so cute how he gets all happy and shit.

"Y/n. Baby. Y/N" I heard Grayson yelled which got me out of my thoughts

" sorry what," I asked trying to remember what he was talking about

" Nothing I was just talking about today, but what were you thinking of," he asked sitting down on the bed pulling me in his lap

" just how it cute when you are excited about something" I answered putting my head in his neck

" awe you so cute baby," he said lifted my head up and kissing me

We got interrupted but Ethan busting through the door with the cameraman.

"Yuck, anyways we are leaving so stop the kissing and let's go," Ethan said leaving the room

I went out before everyone because they were filming and even though I have been on some of their videos I still don't like being on camera I don't know why. Anyways I heard yelling so I knew they are coming out.

After the owner, I think told us about the RV and what we needed to know incase of an emergency. As they were giving like a tour I just sat on the couch watching Grayson and seeing how cute he is. I guess he saw me staring because he sent a wink my way.

(Time skip)

Everyone was just chilling when the lights just went off. It's was funny to see how Grayson and Ethan these two buff guys got sacred.

I remember seeing a light switch coming in, so I went to switch it on to see if it would work, and it did.

"What the- Y/N to the rescue" I hear Ethan say

" thank you thank you," I said taking a bow

" I know Grayson is scared of the dark so I had to help my baby out" I joked because I saw the camera was on.

"Guys that is not true," Grayson said looking in the camera.

I gave him a wink before sitting back in my seat. As time went on Ethan would say how we should have made a stop. Which I agreed with Ethan.

"Who side are you on babe," Grayson said acting hurt

" I am on the side where we could cuddle," I told him

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