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So I called over my trainer because it's almost summer, and sis wants to look nice and tone. I was putting my gym clothes on when I heard a knock on my door. As I open it I see it's my boyfriend Ethan.

"Hey bubz um I didn't know you were coming over today," I said kinda shocked

"Well don't sound to upset to see me," he said hugging me and kissing my forehead.

"No, I am not it's just you never said anything," I said getting ready

"Well are you busy," he asks

"Um yeah my trainer is coming over," I said putting on my shoes

"Ugh I don't know why you even got him when I am right here," he said rolling his eyes

" bc bubz the last couple of times I worked out with you we just ended up making out. And sorry to break it to ya, but I actually like to do the workouts," I said now sitting down on his lap

"Ugh ok, but I want to be here when y'all are working out," he said hugging you tight


I got cut off by my doorbell. When I opened it I saw my trainer Dylan. I am guessing Ethan saw him too bc in two point two seconds he was at the door.

"Hey Y/n you ready for today's workout," he asked

"Yeah um come in"

"Oh and I hope you don't mind my boyfriend joining us today," you ask Dylan

"No not all" he smiling at the both of you.

We walked to the little gym that I have, and as we walked in Ethan sat on beanbag chairs while I and Dylan talked about the workout.

"So what are we doing today," I ask hoping it won't be to Extreme

" well we are going to work on your booty and legs for the first 30 minutes then your ads and arms for the last 30 minutes," Dylan said

"Ok then let's get started"

Not even 20 minutes in I was on the floor dying. I know I want a summer body but lord help me.

" come on y/n we have like 10 more minutes left of round one," Dylan said pulling me up

"See that's the problem there is another round," I said drinking my water

"Haha ok so now let's do some squats... make sure your legs are shoulder length apart, and your butt is not too much in the air." Dylan said

As he was showing me the position I saw Ethan through the mirror giving him a cold stare.

"We can take a five-minute rest before we start the other round...also, where is the bathroom" he asks

"Um it's down the hallway to the left," I said pointing to it

"Thxs," he said before leaving

Just when he left I felt myself being pushed up against the wall, and then I saw Ethan just staring down.


I was about to say something when he cut me off by kissing me so roughly. It was like he was trying to get all his anger out. Once he pulled away we were both out of breath. I mean if I wasn't hot before I am definitely now.

"Well looks like someone is a little jealous," I said smirking at him

"Well maybe if he wasn't touching you every five seconds then I wouldn't be," he said in a low growl

"Ethan, he is my trainer he has to show me what to do and how to do it ok? I only love you" I said kissing him

"Ik it's just not easy for me to see my girlfriend is leggings and a bra while having another dude be all up on her," he said looking down while playing with my fingers

" how about after I am done and I take a shower of course. We can cuddle and watch movies" I ask pulling his face up.

"That sounds amazing baby," he said giving me yet another kiss

"Now stop being jealous bubz," I said laughing

" Whatever," he said pulling me down in the Bean bag

After I was done working out we did exactly what we said.

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