Workout: GD

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So last night I told Grayson about how I wanted to work out with him and get healthier... Worst mistake of my life. Why? You may ask. Because I am up at 4 am with my legs and abs burning.

" gray"

" yes my love"

" I want to start working out," I said putting my pizza down

" why you are fine-"

" and before you say something like "oH yOu ArE fInE hOw YoU aRe bhbhbh" I know I just want to be healthier and tone," I said cutting him off

" well then," Grayson said acting fake hurt

" bubba you know you say that when I say one bad thing about myself, and I am not I just want to start getting better," I said sitting on his lap

" ok but I get up early and I knowwww you don't like getting up early. So, if you are ready to get up then I will help you work out."

" thank you so much I love you," I said giving him a big kiss"

"And I love you"

"Come on Bebe, it's only been 15 minutes," Grayson said with a little smile.

"Whatever," I said going back to my push-ups

" you know this isn't fair," I said crossing my arms

"And how so, because if I remember correctly. You wanted to workout and YOU didn't care that we had to wake up early and YOU-

"Yeah yeah just help me up to the bar," I said cutting him off.

Grayson picked me up so I can reach the pull-up bar. You don't laugh I am short. Anyway, I made it to the bar when I feel something hit my butt.


"Don't act like you don't like that" he said slapping it again.

" Ugh you are annoying, but move so I can do my pull-ups. My arms are getting tired" I said moving my lower body so he can move.

After about five minutes I was done.

"Ok, I am going to shower and then go make breakfast. You have fun with your workout."

I was about to open the door to go inside when someone stopped me

"I want to shower with you though" I hear Grayson say

"Well then come on," I said looking back at him

"Say less babygirl"

With that he picked me and we made our way to the shower.... the rest is in your imagination.

A/n: if y'all want me to write sumt let me know

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