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I was sitting at home doing nothing really when I get a call from my boyfriend.


"Babyyyyyy" I hear Grayson whining on the other side of the line.

"Yessssss" I answered back mocking him.

"Can you come over"

" for what"

" um I don't know to spend time with me," he said in a duh tone.

" Just for that, I am not coming," I said obviously joking.

" I sorry babe. Can you please please come over, so we can spend time together."

" ok ok, I will be over in a few."

" yay, love you"

"Love you too weirdo"

After I hung up the phone I got ready. Since I am just going over his house I decided to wear one of his hoodies and some bike shorts. I just put my hair in a messy bun. I don't really wear makeup unless I am going somewhere nice, so I just put on some mascara.

I texted Grayson that I was on my way, he didn't answer back I just assumed he went to sleep or sum.

After 30 minutes I finally got to his place. I knocked and rang the doorbell couple of times. ( if you can't tell I am pretty impatient).

After about 5 minutes someone answered the door.

"Hey baby, sorry about that I had my headphones in." Grayson said as he answers the door.

" it's fine," I said giving him a kiss

" I missed those lips," he said giving me another kiss

" gray we saw each other yesterday" I responded with a giggle

" anddddd is it so wrong for me to miss my girlfriend after 24 hours". He said picking me up

" ok ok I guess I missed you too," I said with a toothy smile

"It's the rudest for me," Grayson said which made me let out a loud ass laugh.

" s-stop I can't," I said trying to talk but I couldn't stop laughing.

"So are you going to tell me what we are going to be doing," I said after laughing

" well why don't I just show you," he said taking me somewhere

" ok close your eyes"

"Okkkk," I said a little scared, and I think Grayson notice bc he kissed me on the cheek.

" it's nothing bad I promise"

I felt him put me down then I heard him moving some things around.

"Ok... now open" after he said that I opened my eyes, and I saw his car.

"I don't get it," I asked looking up at him

" go look in the truck," he said pushing me a little

"They're not a dead body in there" I said laughing a little

" no baby just go look pleased," he said getting a little impatient

" ok ok" I walked to the back of his car, and saw blankets, pillows, food, and his laptop

" awe gray"! I was about to go back to go to him for him to be behind me.

" do you like it" he asked him hope in his voice

" I love it"

" thank God I was scared you wouldn't like it," he said going me a kiss.

" well I do I like it very very much," I said kissing him back.

A/n: sorry this was bad I didn't really know where I was going with this. So, sorry if it seems all over the place.

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