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I was sitting down trying to do my homework, but I kept on getting distracted. As I was trying to do my work I hear my phone ringing. As I go see who it is I see it's my baby.

" hey gray," I said not even thinking of my work

" hi baby, what are you doing," he asked

" um nothing" I saw looking at my work.

" lies, what are you doing baby" I didn't want to tell him because I know he will make me do it.

" Nothing really... just sitting down," I said not looking at my phone.

" you are doing homework aren't you," he said with a smirk

" I mean if that's what you want to call it then yeah I am," I said

"Well I am going to go so you can actually do your work," he said about to hang up

" no, I will do my work but don't hang up please," I asked giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

" fine but if you get distracted I will make a loud ass noise. Deal." He said putting his hand out

" you got yourself a deal Dolan" I replied putting my hand out

After we "shook hands" I went back to my work.

After 20 minutes I got bored, so I went to see what Grayson was doing. All to see that he was already looking at me.

" Why are you looking at me," I asked

" because you look really really pretty when are concentrated"

"You know how to make a girl blush Dolan," I said hiding my face

" Not just any girl just you and show your face," he said

As I brought my face back to the phone I hear a loud noise coming from Grayson's phone.

" what the hell was that," I asked covering my ears

" I told you if you get distracted I make a noise and you did so I made the noise." He said with a smirk

" what- you were the one looking at me so it's your fault," I said crossing my arms

" mhmm you still need to do your work," he said sounded like my mom

" ok mom," I said teasing him

After I was finally done with my work I saw Grayson fell asleep, so I took a photo of him. Then to get payback I go to YouTube and open one of their videos making sure it was on full volume. I click on it.


I see Grayson jump up and fall out of his bed.

" HAHAHA that was priceless just should have seen your face.

" ugh y/n why would you do that" Grayson asked rubbing his back.

" because my lover payback is a bitch" I said with a big smile

" you just wait the next time I see you... mhmm you just wait," he said with a smirk

" wherever you say Dolan" I said yawing

" how about I come over and we can take a nap together" Grayson said getting up

" well I guess"

" good because I am in my car"

" ok loser"

" love you baby"

" love you too lover"

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