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I was woken up by someone shaking me. I open my eyes to see who it was and saw it was my boyfriend Grayson Dolan. I saw him just staring at me, so I closed my eyes to tease him.

" I just saw you open your eyes babe. Come on y/n you promise you will go with me one of my hikes." I could hear the annoyance in his voice.

" it's... 6:00 am baby let's do it later" I said looking at the clock then going back to sleep.

" if we do it later then we won't be able see the sunrise" I hear him say

Don't get me wrong I want to walk with him it  just I am not a morning person which is why I didn't want to get up.

" fine" I hear him say thinking he gave up. Then I felt myself being picked up.

" what you doing Grayson" I asked without opening my eyes

" I am helping you get ready because it's now 6:10 and it takes about 20 minutes to get there and the sunrise is at 6:40. Now I am going to put you down on the tub and help you brush your teeth."

He helped me get brush my then sat me on the counter. I just put my head on his shoulder waiting to see what he will do next.

" no no up up baby. Now we have to do your face routine then your hair. Then we will get you dressed ok" he said moving me away from him.

" ok" I said just a little above a whisper

He did my morning face routine then asked how I wanted my hair and all I said was I don't care. After that I felt him put it in a low ponytail.

" did you use gel because I know my hair looks a mess" I mumbled

" who cares it will just be us, so no I didn't"

" ok I guess you are right"

After he was done with my hair I felt him pick me and put me back on the bed.

"Here put these on y/n" I hear Grayson say

"Can you do it please" I asked opening one eye to look at him.


After he help me get dressed I was awake, but I wanted to see how long I can put up this acted.

"Ok now let's go" Grayson said moving to the door

"Ahem" i clear my throat so he can turn around. As he turn around I held my arms out so he can pick me up.

"Y/n really"

"Please bubba" I asked almost sounding like a baby.

"You are sure a baby" he said while wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso.

"Yeah but I am your baby" I said letting my head fall on his shoulders.

After he made sure we had everything we head to the car. He sat me down in the passenger side, and made his way to  the driver side.

When we finally got there I was about to open the door t get out when someone locked it.

" baby, I told you I open the door for you" Grayson said leaving a kiss on my check

After he came and got me we got our waters, and made our way up the trail.

"Seems like someone isn't tried anymore" Grayson said as I was walking a bit faster then him

" well actually after you put back on the bed I was fully awake I just didn't feel like doing anything" I said looking up at him

" you are so evil" he said laughing

After us talking and goofy around we finally got to the top. We found a place to sit and watch the sunrise

" It's so beautiful" I told Grayson

" yeah it is" he said

When I looked up at him I saw he was already looking at me.

" you are not even looking at the sunrise" I sassed

" I got a better view right here" he whispered as he kissed me.

"Sure a big softy" I said looking back at the sky

" you know you love it"

We stayed there for about another 30 minutes just enjoying each other presents. As  felt my eyes get heavy I rest my head on Grayson shoulder.

" hey how about we go back home and go back to sleep" I hear him ask, but I can do was nod

We made our journey back to the car then to our home. I must of fallen asleep in the car because when I woke up I was in the bed.

" you fell asleep in the car so I put you in the bed, and I also changed you back to your pjs. Just so you can be more comfortable." I turn around to see Grayson coming form the bathroom.

" thank you bubba, now can you come back to bed so we can cuddle." I ask

" yes I can baby"

Soon I felt two arms pull me close to then and kissed me on the forehead.

"Love you y/n"

"Love you the most gray"

A/n: this sucked ass. Sorry

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