I love you:EG

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Narrative POV

Y/n and Ethan was having a chill day since there was nothing really to do. Ethan turn to y/n and was just starting at her.

"You know I feel you look at me" y/n turn to her boyfriend

"And you know that I think you are the most beautiful girl in the world" giving her a kiss on her forehead

"Stoop" she said blushing

"Never. Y/n you are my best friend, my lover, my future wife, my everything, and I am so I love you with you with my life."

After Ethan was done with his short speech y/n was full on crying.

"Awe e I love you so much and I couldn't ask for anyone else to share my future with." She said giving him a kiss

"Don't cry baby." He said wiping her tears away

"It's hard not to cry when you are being so cute" Y/n put her leg Ethan laps so she can sit on him.

"And you know what else I love about you" Ethan said


"You body, you ass, and boobies" Ethan said as he puts his hands over Ethan on her body parts.

"Anddddd you ruin the moment" she said sitting back down on the couch

"Hahaha baby come on I was kidding. Wellll I do love your body b-"

"Why don't you show me how much you love my body" y/n said cutting Ethan off

"You don't have to tell me twice"

With that Ethan picked y/n up and the rest is history's

A/n: sorry if that felt rush

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