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Ethan POV

I woke up feeling like crap like I can't move, everything hurts, and I just want my baby, but I don't want to bother her so I called Grayson to get me a water.


"WHAT I AM WORKING OUT " of course he is this dude lives in breaths the gym

"CAN YOU COME HERE" i ask him bc my voice was starting to hurt

"What" I could tell he was annoyed

"Can you hand me some water"

"Bruh, why can't you get it"

"Because I am sick dummy" I said now getting annoyed with him

"Ok ok" he said walking out of the room


"Are you not going to help me drink it"

"Um why would I do that you have arms" he said putting the water down

"Because y/n does that for me" I said pouting thinking of her

"Well do I look like y/n" he said about to leave

"Pleaseeeeeeeeeee come on bro I would do it for you"

"Ugh fine"

After Grayson was done being my little bitch I decided to call my bubba. Because she is way more better than Grayson



Wtf, why didn't she answer? I tried again


"Hello" I heard on the other end

"Hey Bebe, why didn't you answer the first time," I ask with a pout

"I thought it was my alarm, and I didn't want to wake up yet" she answers with the cutest giggle

"Oh wellllll I was wondering if you can come ov-" I had to stop a cough

"Awe is my baby boy sick," she asked me but I was too busy coughing

"Yeah just a little," I said once finishing

"Ok, I will be over in 5. Love you"

"Love you too"

*call ended*

I decided to take just a 5-sec nap before she came.


I used my key that's Ethan gave me to get in the house. As I was walking to go to his room I saw Grayson on the couch.

"Hey gr-" before I finished he cut me off

"Finally you are here. Ugh Ethan has been being a baby crying for you" he said hugging me

"Really," I asked blushing

"Yes, so I am not going to keep you any longer bc he can be annoying when he is sick." He said with a laugh with making me laugh too.

I reached that room, and quietly open the door just in case he is sleeping. Which to my surprise(not) he is, he looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake him up, so I waited until he woke up.

*20 minutes later*

I turn off my phone when I heard Ethan mumble something.

"Hey sick boy," I said playing with his hair

"Mhmm. Hi baby girl" he falling back to sleep

" baby you can't go back to sleep," I told him while shaking him a little.

"Why not. I am sooo tried" he said pouting

"Bc bubz you are sick and I knowww your stubborn self didn't take your medicine" I told him

"But the medicine is gross" he said hiding his face in my neck

"I know I know, but think about this if you take your medicine then you get better faster. Then the faster you get better the faster you can kiss me." I said trying to convince him to take his medicine bc he knows I don't let him kiss me when one of us is sick.

"Ughhhh why did you have to use that against my will."he said sitting up

"Sorry sick boy, but I had to" I said leaving to get the medicine

"Ok but hurry back so I can cuddle you" I heard ethan yell

I went down stairs to see if it will be in the kitchen, but I couldn't find it anywhere

"What are you look for" i heard someone voice which made me jump a little

"Haha sorry" I turned around and saw Grayson

"No you are fine, but I am looking for the medicine for Ethan." Answering his question from earlier

"Well then you're looking in the wrong place kid" he said

"Well then mind telling where it is sir" I ask

"It's in his bathroom" he said laughing

"Are you kidding me" I said going back to his room

I went to his bathroom and look in the cabinets and guess what I see HIS FUCKING MEDICINE. Probably thinking why I was annoyed it's just bc I spent the last 30 minutes looking for it.

"BABYYYYY. BABYYYGIRLLL.LOVEEE. PRINCESS" I heard Ethan yelling, but I was trying to get everything together so I didn't respond to him

As I was putting everything back I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Ahh" I jump and turn around to see ethan

"Ethan why are you out of bed" I ask rubbing the side of his face

"You weren't answering me so I had to see what you were doing" he responded while hugging me

"I was getting your medicine ready E, but since you are here here," I said handing him his medicine

"Ugh I knew I should have stayed inside" he said not wanted to take it

"Come on E for me" I ask giving him puppy dog eyes


"Thank you bubz"

I hoped on the counter and handed him the little bottle cap.

"Ew where the water" he ask looking around

"haha it's right here E" I said helping him drink it

"That's is just gross like Grayson cooking gross"

"Hahah come on let's gets you back to bed"

"Yeah now we can cuddle" he said hugging me form behind

Once we got back into his bed he immediately warped his arms around me.

"Mhmm you so warm"

"Thanks Bebe" I said with a giggle

"And you are s-" he got cut off coughing


"Awe don't apologize you can't help it bubz"

"Ok, before I got cut off I was going to ask if you are going to spend the night?" He ask pulling me close to him.

"Of course I will. I have to make sure nothing bad happens." I replied kissing his cheek

After a few minutes of holding each other I heard little snore coming from above. As I look up I see that Ethan is sound asleep.

"Good night buz" I whisper in his with a kiss on his cheek.

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