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I was laying down on my phone when I felt pain just hit me. I got up to go to the bathroom, and sure enough, my fucking period had come. I went to get a pad... just to see I ran out of them.

"Ughh great. I will just call Grayson." I said to myself.

So that what I did.

Grayson POV:

I was lying down when I got an ft call from y/n

* incoming call from baby girl🥰😖*

"Hey, baby..are you sitting on the toilet haha?"

"Yes, I am sitting on the toilet... I got my period and I don't have any pads" she said with a pouting face.

"Aw I am sorry, do you want me to come over?"

" well that's why I called you I need you to go to the store and get some pads.." she said with hope in her voice.

" But I don't know which ones, or which one you use," I said not really wanted to go.

" plz bubba it would mean so much, plus I can show you what I use," she said using her puppy dog face knowing it will work.

" ugh fine I will go," I said giving up

" yay see this why I love you," y/n said

" yeah yeah I will just call you when I get to the store," I said about to hang up.

" ok love you"

" love you too," I said hanging up

I go into Ethan room telling him I am about to leave, but he is asleep like usual like it's 12 pm. Anyways I just left him a note telling him where I am. Then I get in my car going to CVS.


After I got off the phone with Grayson I just started going on Instagram bc I couldn't really move. About 15 minutes later Grayson called me. As I answer I saw his face and I just had to laugh bc he looks so uncomfortable.

"H-hey babe," I said in between laughs

" it's not funny y/n just let me know which one you use," he said mumbling.

" ok ok it's Always in a green package," I said calming down. ( sorry if you don't use "always")

" ok, I see it.. dang why is it so much, that's not fair it should free," Grayson said getting little annoyed

" Yeah trust me I know, but it whatever... before you goooo," I say while dragging out my sentence.

" let me guess you want me to get you some snacks?" He said knowing me too well

" well if you really want to no one is stopping you," I said with a small smile

" what do you want.. wait no let me guess sour gummy worms and takis?" He said bc he knows I love them.

" you know me too good babe," I said with a wink

" what can I say I know my women.. I am going to go check out then I will be there ok?" he said waving at the phone

" ok love you and thank you," I said giving him a virtual kiss

" love you too" giving me one back

Once I hung up I had a big smile on my face just thinking about how lucky I got with Grayson. Some time past and I hear Grayson coming up the stairs.

"Y/n, babe where are you," Grayson said looking around

"Idk maybe where I been all morning," I said giving an attitude bc my butt was hurting.

"Dang baby sorry," he said with a sad face, but when he came in the bathroom he started laughing.

" hahaha that looks s-so uncomfortable," he said laughing.

"Yeah yeah so funny. Ok if you were in this position I wouldn't laugh" I said rolling my eyes

"Actually you did when I was uncomfortable at CVS," he said restated what happened earlier.

"Can I just get the pads so I can lay down my butt hurts," I said reaching for them.

After he settled down he handed me the pads and waited for me on my bed. As I came out of the bathroom I saw Grayson with his arms out wanting to cuddle.

" come on slowpoke, I want to cuddle," Grayson said as I was walking to the bed.

" don't you see me coming, you are such child," I said playfully rolling my eyes

"Also did you get the food," I ask while climbing in the bed.

Once I got in the bed I let out a sigh bc my butt wasn't hurting anymore. As I was having my moment Grayson throws the candy at me.

"Um do you mind I was having a moment with my butt and bed," I said looking at him

" yeah I do bc I want to cuddle," Grayson said pulling me into his arms

I was opening up my gummy's and Grayson tried to get one but I hit his hand.

"Ow what was that for," he asked while rubbing his hand.

" bc you there trying to take my gummy's," I said in a duh tone.

" one I brought them and two fine I will just go buy some for me," Grayson said getting up

" wait.. don't go your cuddles help with my cramps and fine I will share my gummy's," I said in a soft tone while pulling him back down.

" that's what I thought," Grayson said which cause me to push his arm.

" you need to stop hitting me," he said starting to fake cry

" I am sorry baby I will stop," I said playing along with him.

" good bc I just want to cuddle and make sure my baby girl is ok," he said in a soft voice

Narrator POV:

Y/n and Grayson decided to watch some movies for the full day and get some pizza. As they were watching one Y/n was falling asleep, Grayson saw and turn off the TV.

" no I am awake," y/n said half asleep

" yeah sure you are baby," he said with a chuckle.

Y/n tried to say something but he just stopped her by kissing her ever so softly she almost couldn't feel it.

"Yeah, maybe we should sleep," she said snuggling into Grayson more.

" mhm I thought so," Grayson said as he pulled the blanket over y'all more.

" good night baby love you," Grayson said as he kissed her on her forehead.

Y/n was to tried to speak so she just nodded her head, and with that, she fell asleep in the arms of her lover.

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