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All week Ethan has been trying to get me to try the new dish he has been making. I haven't been wanting to try not because I think it's bad but I don't like trying new things. Which brings me to now, Ethan is following me like a lost puppy around the house that they're renting. Wanting me to try his dish.

"You know it's good to try to new things something," Ethan said now getting in front of me kissing my neck

" *sighs* fine I will try it," I said caving in

"Yay, now sit down and watch your man at work," he said pushing me to the set.

Once he was done he sat his Stromboli ( sorry if I spelt that wrong)

"Bubz it's so big how am I supposed to eat it" I whining to him

"Y/n come one, just use both of your hands," he said

" fine"

" wait," he said getting out his phone

" Are you ready?" I asked pretending to be annoyed

" yes, go baby try my Italian vegan Stromboli," he said emphasizing Italian.

I took a bit and not going to lie it was good, but of course, I wasn't going to let him know that.

" so what do you think"

"Eh," I said with a shrug

"Then why are you about to take another bite," he asked

" fine it was good" I reply getting up to hug him

" Does this mean you are going to try my vegan foods"

"Let's not get too ahead of ourselves," I said getting back to the food.

"Whatever baby," he said kissing my cheek

"You know you are lucking I love you bc if I didn't I wouldn't have tried it," I said

"well first rude second I love you too," he said hugging me

" WHY DIDNT I GET ONE" I hear Grayson say

"BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT Y/N" Ethan yelled back to Grayson

"I can be y/n, Oo EtHaN IwAnT tO sUc-"

"OKAYYYYY," I said cutting him off

As I was stuffing my face I hear them laughing at me. Ugh what am I going to do with them

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