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I was getting ready for a day out with my boyfriend. When I was leaving my room, I hear Grayson on the phone with someone.

"Bro idk she has been so clingy lately.... yeah... but still it's like can I have a break...yeah we are going out... I mean I don't really want to go for her to be all up on me...." Grayson said to the phone.
I couldn't listen anymore, so I went upstairs taking off my makeup and changing into a long T-shirt. As I  was lying down I heard footsteps coming to the bedroom.

"Hey baby, you ready to go," Grayson said as if he didn't just call me clingy.

" About that, I don't want to go anymore," I  said not looking at Grayson at all

"Why not you were extremely excited earlier today what changed?" He asks walking to my side of the bed all for me to turn away for him.

"Did I do something wrong"


" hello y/n baby talk to me"

Grayson was trying to get me to talk, but all I did was walk downstairs and looked for something to eat. I know you may be thinking " you are overreacting", but it hurts bc I didn't think I was being clingy towards him. He has been stressed lately with YouTube and I would just try to get his mind off of it. Is that so wrong? Grayson got me out of my deep thinking as he starts kissing my neck.

"" he said talking in between each kiss

I was still trying to hold it together bc I didn't want to seem "clingy", so I moved away from him and into the living room.
"Om- babyyyy what did I do wrong can you tell me?" Grayson said walking over to me.

"And I am the clingy one yeah ok," I  thought to yourself

As I was sitting on the couch he sat next to me, but I moved over. Each time I moved over he would move as well. I thought it was cute how he was acting but then I remember not to be "all over him"

" ok y/n you leave me no choice" he stopped, "I mean I don't have to if you talk to me," he said. I knew what he was about to do bc he did this every time I  was mad at him.... he is about to TICKLE ME. Knowing that I  took off running away with him chasing behind me.

" where did you go y/n come here plz... I just want to talk"

I  just know he has a smirk on his face 🙄 I  was in our shared closet when I heard his footsteps.
" love I know you're in here so just come out nowwww." He said in an annoyed voice.

"Are you under ok are you behind ok and you in the bathroom...

I  could hear him walking by the closet, so I made sure I was being quiet, but there was something sticking up my butt. I was trying to move it very slowly, but then something fell which made a very loud sound.

" oh, so she is there" he whispers to himself.
" hmm, I give up on trying to find my baby... where could she have gone."

At this point, I was dead silent just in case he was still there.  After a few minutes, I thought I was in the clear when I  didn't hear anything, so I  left the closet still not hearing or seeing anything. Right, when I was about to leave the room I  felt two arms around my waist and pulling me on the bed.
Grayson was basically sitting on me with my hands pinned above my head. He was looking in my eyes like he was looking for answers or something.

" so baby are you going to tell me what's wrong," he said giving me puppy dogs eyes

Still being stubborn I looked away from him, I tried to get away but he just held me down. As I was moving I saw him do his famous smirk not knowing what's about to happen.

"So it seems like you still don't want to talk that's fine. I will just help you out a little."

With that, he started tickling me until I  was a laughing mess.

"Ok...ok please .. s-stop" couldn't even speak. At this moment I knew he had won, and now I would have to tell him what's wrong.

He pulled me in his lap waiting for me to talk while I just fiddled with his hands, which was something I did when I was nervous. Then remembering what he said earlier so I dropped his hands.

" Why did you stop?"

" bcIdon'twanttobetooclingy" I quickly said that he had to ask what I  said.

" I said I don't want to do to clingy," I said with a sigh.

" y/n what are you tal-"

" don't act dumb Grayson I heard you talking on the phone about how clingy I am," I  said cutting him off. He looks at me and I can see his eyes go from sad to panic

" N-no baby I *sigh* I am sorry I shouldn't have said that ok that's on me. I have been so stressed out lately, and it just came out. You have been nothing but helpful with everything. I mean without you I would just be on the computer all day probably stinking. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend. I. Love. You. So. Much. He said kissing my hand.

I  sit there looking down not knowing what to do.

" I. Am. So. Sorry. For. Making. You. Feel. This. Way." He said kissing all over my face then finally kiss my lips. After a couple of seconds of him kissing me, I decided to kiss back.

" Does that mean you forgive me?" Grayson said with hope.

" yes it does, but next time come to me to talk and not behind my back," I said putting my hands on his shoulders.

" of course I will," he said picking me up spinning me around. Our laugher filled the room, and he started putting me down giving me a big kiss.

" I love you, baby," Grayson said looking in my eyes

" I love you to baby boy" looking at him with eyes full love.

A/n: I hope you guys liked it😁

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