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Grayson pov

I have noticed that y/n had been stress lately. Even if she doesn't want to tell me I could tell. She started going to bed at 4, and then wake up at 6. I would ask her if I can help with anything but she would always say no.


I am sitting on our bed alone once again bc y/n is sitting at the desk. At this point it's like she is dating the desk and not me.

"Baby.. you need sleep it's- 1am."


"Y/nnnnn, come to bed please" I asked not standing beside her.

" in a minute I just have to do this one late thing ok?"

Even though I know that's a lie I still agree.

"Yea ok I will be waiting then"

-end of flashback-

I was about to go to sleep when I heard cries coming from the desk. I looked up to see y/n crying.

"Bubs what's wrong.. what happened."

"I- I can't do this anymore.. people expect so much from me. School, my mom, myself, you. It just to much and I am trying gray I am trying so hard. It's just became to much, and I-I don't want to let anyone down." She cut herself by crying more

" awe baby no one expect anything from you. I am 100% sure your mom is proud of you by what you have accomplished, and how could you say me? Bubs I don't expect anything from you? You just being you is all I need ok? I love when I see you smile, I love when I hear your laugh even though you don't like it, and I just love you so much."

After I was done with my speech I pick her up and placed her on the bed, where we are facing each other.

"I love you too Grayson" she said after calming down

"Well I love you more" I said putting my hands on her cheeks

"And I don't want to see you stress like this, so plz if you feel like this tell me. I want to help as much as I can" I said wiping the rest of her tears


"Good now lets go to bed" I said giving her a kiss on her forehead

"Good night Grayson"

"Good night love"

A/n: this sucked I will probably edited later or delete it idk
Hope you liked it anyways 😋

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