Break up prank: EG

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Ethan Pov

"Hey guys, so if you don't know y/n my girlfriend prank me last week. If you haven't seen it go watch it, but watch this one first bc I am going to get her back." I said to the camera

You are probably wondering what I am doing. Well, I am going to pull and prank on y/n since she pranked me about having a hickey. After explaining everything to the viewers I set up cameras in different places.

"Ok, so I am going to text y/n I am going to be distant. Oh my God, I feel bad."

Once I was done setting up the cameras I found a place to sit a began texting y/n.

*text covo"

"Ok, so she should be here in a few since she doesn't live that far away

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"Ok, so she should be here in a few since she doesn't live that far away."

10 minutes later

"Hey E I am back"

Ok here goes nothing...

Y/n POV:

Ethan texted me earlier he sounded a bit off, so I hope everything is ok.

"Hey E I am back" I yelled

" I am in the living room" I heard him

" Hey bub" I go to kiss him but he moves his head

That was weird...

" um ok, I got you some food. I thought you would be hungry since you didn't eat anything today.

" look y/n I need to tell you something..."

" what's wrong did something happen or-"

" SHUT up.. gosh this is the problem you are always talking and it's just annoying. Look I found someone else ok meaning- "

" don't say it please don't say it. I don't know what I did well you told me, and I am sorry that you feel that way. But, fine if you don't want to be together just know you are losing the best thing you had. I mean I have been there for you since your dad. I have seen everything and not once did I leave or even think about leaving. But it's fine because I see that I wasted my time on you."

I was trying not to cry but I just let out a sob unable to hold it back. I look up at Ethan and I can see the guilt rising in him. I turn away to get my stuff when I felt a hand on me.

Ethan POV:

I feel like a fucking asshole. I mean she looks so mad/sad. I made my baby like that no one but me. I have to end this right now.

"..I wasted my time in you."

Before she left I grabbed her and turn her around.

"Let go now Grant," she said

"Listen baby it's a prank ok I promise it's a prank" I rushed out

" wait.. you don't want to break up" she whispered

" no, I love you way too much to do that. I promise you I will never leave you." I hugged her and thank Goodness she hugged me back

" oh Ethan I hate you and I am so getting you back for this" she laughed

" Sure you will" I went go get the camera so I can end this video

" As y'all can see this end badly, and I can say I will never do this kinda thing again. Because I hurt my baby and I never want to hurt her. So. I hope y'all liked his video." I was about to finish when y/n cut me off.

" and like it, if you want to see me prank Ethan 10x harder," she said to the camera

"Whatever you say, babe"

A/N: heyy don't be shy comment let me know what you think.

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