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It's now 12 a.m. I am currently waiting for my boyfriend to come home. He has been in meetings all day, and I cooked dinner thinking he will be home at nine which obviously he wasn't. Anyways I was sitting on the couch on my phone trying to past time. After about 30 minutes I was about to fall asleep when I heard the door open. Guess who I see my lovely boyfriend, but I am guessing he doesn't see me bc he walked right past me.

"Hello Bailey" as I said that I saw him jump a little while putting his hand over his chest.

"Hey ba- wait did you just say my middle name?" he asks coming over to me.

"Yes, I did because it is now...12:30, and if I am not mistaken you said you will be home at 9," I said with my arm crossed

"I know I know, but there was so much stuff I had to do at the office," he said cuddling my side

"There always stuff at the office, but Grayson you are the boss why can't you get people to do it?." I ask while playing with his hair

"Because baby I like to just have everything set in place, and plus I like the way I do it," he said closing his eyes

"I just think you need a break...which is why I texted your assistant to tell them that you are taking a week off". I said still playing with his hair

"Wait what," Grayson said jumping up from the couch.

"I texted your assistant t-"

"No I heard what you said, but why would you do that without asking me," he said cutting me off

"Because Grayson even though you say your fine and not stress. I can tell you are baby you have bags under your eyes, you get 3 hours of sleep at most 4, and you put so much pressure on yourself.

"I just had a long day, but I am fine."Grayson trying to convince me he is fine

I didn't say anything I just pulled him into the bathroom

"Look, what do you see," I asked

"Myself. Y/n why are we doing-"

"I see someone who is pushing their self to hard, someone who's overworked, and someone who is stress. I am not trying to be a crybaby, but it hurts seeing you like this b-" I cut myself off my crying a little.

"Shh it's ok baby I will take the week off ok and we will have some us time," he said hugging me

"Ok" is all I could say at the moment

"Do you want to take a bath then go to bed?" I ask

"As long as you are with me," he said with a smirk

"Sorry for crying," I said looking down at my feet

"Why are you saying sorry baby girl. You have nothing to be sorry for ok? He said kissing my lips

All I did was nod as he was turning on the bath. After he made sure the water was nice he added some bubbles. Then we got in.

"I love you," Grayson said rubbing my legs

"I love you more bubba," I said resting against his chest

After we were done with our bath we dried off then went off to bed.

"Hey baby can you give me a message please" I heard Grayson asked

"Of course lay down," I said sitting on his butt.

I got some oil and started messages his shoulder. After a little while, I heard him making a big sigh

"You ok bubba," I ask to make sure I wasn't hurting him

"Yeah it just you give the best message," he said looking back at me

"Awe well thank you," said giving him a kiss on his back

After I did his shoulders I started doing his back. Then 30 minutes later I was done and a little tried

"Ok I am done"


As I lended down to see his face I saw he was sleeping. I didn't want to wake him, but how he was lying he was taking up the whole bed.

"Bubba wake up," I said shaking him

"Mhmm..oh sorry I fell asleep haha," he said getting up

"It's ok bubba you can go back to sleep, but you were taking up the whole bed," I said tucking him in

"Oh sorry baby..now come here I want to cuddle you," he said opening his arms

"Love you gray," I said falling asleep

"Love you too," he said kissing my forehead

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