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I had a long and tried day all I wanted was to cuddle up with Ethan but he was in NJ which sucked ass. I decided to just FaceTime him instead so I can see his face. As it was connecting I saw him look exhausted as me.

"Hey bud"

"Hi baby" I can hear the tiredness in his voice

" you look ruff" I hear taking me out of my glaze

" yeah so do you"

" I know we can't be together but how about we take a nap together," Ethan said

" I would like that very much," I said cuddling his hoodie I was wearing.

" ok good night," he said closing his eyes

" good night love you"

" love you too"

Grayson pov

I was on my way to get Ethan because we had to go to the store. Once I got to his room I was about to call his name when I saw he was asleep. I was about to a picture bc he always takes pictures of me sleeping, but then I saw that he was on the phone with y/n who was also sleeping. I took a picture of both of them and posted it my story.

I walked back to my mom when she asked when she asked where Ethan was.

" he is sleeping with y/n" I told going to show her the picture I took

" how is h- awe they are so cute" she said taking me phone to see the phone more.

" yeah they are perfect for each other" I said

"Yeah they are"

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