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Y/n POV:
Grayson and I were lying down cuddling on the bed when he suddenly sat up.

"Ouch," I said when my head hit the bed hard

"Sorry Baby, it's just someone tweeted a picture of Ryan screenshot a picture of a fan," Grayson says getting up pacing around the room.

"Bear calm down for a second ok. Just breath" I said getting up to stop his pacing

"Y/n you don't get it. Who's knows what he is doing when we are not looking. He could be taking a picture of us or the house, and sending it to people-"

"Grayson this is your best friend who you knew since you were little kids. Why would you say something like that? He was there before you and Ethan blew up, and now he was brought into. He is new to this kinda stuff he doesn't know what to do. As his best friend, you should put trust in him and not assume anything"

After giving my short speech I could tell Grayson was starting to calm down and bit.

"You are right I am going to talk to Ethan then we will go talk to Ryan about it," he said

"Good, I will be right here when you get back," I said giving him a little peck

"I love you bear"

"Love you baby"

20 minutes later

I was sitting out in living with their assistant Adele( sorry if I got her name wrong). We were just talking about the house when we hear loud yelling getting closer.

"I wonder what that could be," she said playfully rolling her eyes while I laughed at her remark

"We just need to leave bruh," Grayson said

"Yeah like with all of the house stuff going on, and we almost kicked Ryan out of the house. We just need to leave." Ethan said which lead me shook

"Let's not be too impulsive let's actually think about it," Adele said

"Let's go to Palm Springs" I hear Grayson say

"You wouldn't want to get any closer to the fires," I said standing up to look for something to eat

"I thought it was North it's in South too? Grayson asked

"It's east" I answer

The twin and Ryan were talking loudly and poor Adele was just trying to get them to calm down so they figure it out where it was safe to go

"YALL" I yelled which made them all look at me

"Shut the fuck up and let Adele talk," I said turning back to what I was eating

As Adele was talking I felt two arms wrapped around me.

"Yes gray how may I help you"

"Nothing just wanted to know where you got that mouth from" he whispered in my ear causing chills down my spine

"Um I- look y'all were being to damm loud and poor Adele was trying to talk" I turn around to give him my best pouting look.

"Ugh why are you so cute" he started kissing me

"Mhmm Grayson as much as I like this it looks like we have company," I said pointing to Mando

"Dude you are always filming can you turn off the camera" Grayson which made me laugh

By now everyone was looking at us, so I took the opportunity to go back to eating my food.

"Something I feel like you love food more than me," Grayson said jumping on the counter

"Welp you are correct," I said obviously playing around.

"So rude"

" you know I am kidding, bear I love you more than food," I said giving him a peck on his lips

"You better," he said picking me up

They went back to talk about their trip when Ethan couldn't take the sound so we moved into the un finish podcast room.

I was in front of Grayson with his arms wrapped around my neck. Since he stopped my eating I am going to do the same. Right when he was about to put the fro-yo in his mouth I stopped him and put it in mine.

"Why did you do that" Grayson pulling the spoon away

"Because you stoped me from eating so I am doing the same" I answered back giving him a small smile

"Lucky I like you"

"You mean lo-"

I was cut off by Ethan saying how we were being to "lovely" I just think it was because he misses him girlfriend, so I just gave him the middle finger which gave me one also.

"I just think we should go to Palm Springs" Grayson said

"Yeah just to go somewhere local" Mando said

After talking about it a little but more we decided that we should go to Palm Spring.

" I mean if it's Grayson idea then it's stucks, if it's my idea then it's pretty shit, if it Ryan's it's a little better, if it's Mando's then it's valid, and if it Adele's or y/n's  then it's perfect" Ethan said which made us all laugh

"Hahah so funny but you are right" Grayson said sliding down the wall

"Hey, I think you have good ideas" I said sitting in front of him at him

"Yeah like what" he asked looking at me

"Ummm I don't know how about asking me to be your girlfriend. Plus between you and me Ethan ideas are worst then yours" i whispered to where only he can hear me

"You are right that was one of my best ideas and also right about Ethan" he said

"Feeling better because I will not let my bear feel down" I said leading in to kiss him

"Of course since you are here" he said before he filled the space between our lips.

I pulled after remembering that's we were in a room filled with people. I looked up and saw Mando filming us, so hid my face in Grayson chest.

"Bro you are always filming" Grayson said to Mando which cause him to laugh.

After getting up, Adele told us to come over so we can look at houses. I helped Grayson get up,once he was he wrapped his arms around my neck and started waking to where Adele was.

"You know I love you and asking you out was the best thing that happens to me especially when you said yes" I heard Grayson whisper in my ear

" well you are the best thing that happens to me and I am glad you asked me out" I said looking up at him

And in this moment nothing else matter. No background noise or people talking. Just me and Grayson.

"I love you so much baby" he said looking deeply in my eyes

"I love you too bubba" I reply giving him a small kiss

A/n: I feel like I drag these out if you know what I mean. Maybe I should get it short... let me know what y'all think 🤔😁

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