Coming out:EG

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Ethan and I have been dating for about a year and some months, but we haven't yet to come out to his fans. When we first started dating we didn't bc we just wanted it to be us and not 11 million other people. Now seeing that Ethan and I haven't really been doing a good job at hiding anymore. Why not just tell everyone. Don't get me wrong I am sacred shitless bc of hate and everything, but I don't want to hide it anymore. Of course, I am going to ask him what he thinks, which is why I am on my way to his house to talk about it.

10 minutes later

I pulled up in his driveway and I didn't see his car, so I called him to make sure he was home.

*the call*


"Hiiiii bubz" he answered yelling in the phone

" Hey baby, um are you home by any chance," I ask hoping he will say yes.

" um no I am not why"

"I just asking bc I wanted to talk to you about something," I said not trying to make it a big deal

"Is it good or are not breaking up with are you?" he said and I can hear the sadness in his voice

"What no I just wanted to talk about going public with our relationship."

" oh ok, that sounds better than breaking up, yeah we can talk when I get home we can ok."

"Yeah ok, love you"

"Love you too"

*call ended*

After I got off the phone I went into the house with the key he gave me. After a couple of minutes, I got bored so I decided to clean their house because it was a bit dirty.
By the time I was done Ethan and Grayson came in.

"Did you clean the house" I hear Grayson ask

" um yeah I got bored," I said coming out of the kitchen

" well thank you bc I know Ethan wasn't going to" gray said as Ethan walked in.

" really I am right here," Ethan said coming over to hug me

"Hi bubz," he said kissing me cheek while hugging me from behind.

" um why didn't I get a hug so rude," Grayson said pouting

" fine," I said trying to get out of Ethan grip. Keyword key TRYING

"Ethan let go please "

"Hmm how about no. He doesn't need hugs" Ethan said hugging me tighter.

"The faster you let go the faster we can cuddle," I said looking at him with puppy dog eyes

"Fine" he responded while rolling his eyes

" yay," Grayson said while hugging me

" ok ok that enough" Ethan said bring me to his room

" you are all mine baby girl," Ethan said kisses all over me

" ok ok we need to talk now," I said sitting up

" right, well I am fine with going public I just don't want you to get any hate then it will cause you to break up with me," Ethan said hugging my waist

"Nothing or anyone would get me to break up with you. You know why because I trust you more than anyone. I know what they say to me is not true, so I am ready to go public." I said playing with his hair.

" well then let's go public. I can't wait for the world to see that I am with you." He said getting his phone

After sometime trying to find a good picture we finally found one

"You ready" he asked

" yes on 3"

We posted on each of our accounts and I couldn't be happier. Yes there was some hate but the positive comment rule them out.

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