Tik Tok: EG

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I was lying on Ethan's bed bored out of MY mind bc he was playing a game. I tried getting his attention, but all he would do is basically ignore me.

"Ethannnnn, can we plz cuddle or something" hoping he would say yes.

" After I am done with this round," he said focusing on the game.

I sigh not know what to do, so I go on Tik Tok which I found some that I was going to have Ethan do later hehe. Anyways I was still looking though when I found one of a girl sitting on her boyfriend lap while he was playing his game. So, I put my phone where you can get both Ethan and me on the screen. I went under his arms are put my arms around his neck.

"Babe I said one more round and was all yours," Ethan said with a soft voice.

" well, *sigh* I couldn't wait I wanted to cuddle," I said in a childish voice.

I heard Ethan chuckle a little hearing my reason. He started kissing my check when he wasn't yelling at the game. I tried to get up to get my phone, but he stopped me.

" nooo stay I am almost done," he said giving you puppy dogs eyes.

" ok ok," I said giggling looking at the phone.

" I am actually trying to die, and no one wants to kill me," Ethan said as I laugh at the fact he was trying to die.

" yes, I died". As he said that he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

" um, you missed," I said with a small smirk.

" well then show me where I missed baby girl," he said returning the smirk.

With that, I kissed him on the lips, which turn into a heated make out. Then I remember that I was recording, so I stop and went to get my phone. Hearing a big sigh from Ethan. As I turn around I saw Ethan on the bed with his arms open for me to get in them. Teasing him I sat at the end of the bed going on my phone posting the video of Ethan. *cutting out the making out part*.

" First you wanted to cuddle and now you don't yeah no" with that he pulled me down, got on top of me, and warped his arms around me.

" you are such a big baby," I said giggling

" yeah but I am your, big baby," he said kissing my face.

He was about to say something when he gets Notifications on saying how cute you guys are on tik tok. He goes to what he been tagged in and saw the video that was posted.

" Really, you were recording?" He said now sitting on my lap

" maybe maybe not," I said with a shrug.

" you are something else, but I love you," he said lying back down on me.

" yeah I love me too," I said and see him roll his eyes.

" whatever... kiss me plz," Ethan said is a tried voice which making a kisses face
I grabbed his face a gave him a kiss.

" I love you y/n"

" I love you too"

With that, we went to sleep.

A/n: even tho this is my second one I like this one best😁

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