Hickey prank:EG

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" Hey guys it's your girl y/n again, and I am.. God, I feel so bad" I whispered the last part to myself.

" anyways I am going to be pulling a prank on Ethan, basically I am going to put a fake hickey on me. So to make this work I didn't go over his house yesterday bc I wasn't "feeling well", and I had Grayson set up cameras around the house early this morning. Mostly bc Ethan sleeps until like three. Anyways here is Grayson setting up the cameras". I said to the cameras

Grayson POV:

So it's like 11 am when y/n told me to set up the cameras, so to make sure I put in the right places I give her a call.

" yo, so like where did you want the cameras," I ask

" umm like somewhere in his room where you can see his bed, also in the living room in case he sees it there, and in the bathroom," y/n said

"Ok see you when get here bye," I said hanging up.


So now I am going I just can't wake up Ethan which is not hard. Dude wakes up at three everyday ugh, anyways I set up all the cameras not waking up Ethan even tho I knew I wouldn't. All I need to do now is wait until y/n gets here.

( they were on ft but you were screen recording yall's conversation. sorry if that doesn't make sense)


"Ok, so now I have to make the fake hickey. To do so I brought some on my eyeshadow and lipstick just to see what will work. Trying not to do anything with like sparkles bc then you can tell it's fake." I said in a duh tone

" so I am going to get this dark red and purple...then going to use this red lipstick to make it light but also dark...if that makes sense." I said showing everything to the camera. "dang I think I did a good job..hm should I do another one but have that one lighter." I said questioning myself. " yeah that's what I am going to do, but just use light shades". I said while messing with the makeup.

After I was done I got a call from, Ethan

*incoming from baby boy*

I was panicking a little but I picked up so he wouldn't think anything is wrong.

" Hey babe," I said answering the phone

" Hey baby girl I know you weren't feeling good, so I wanted to know if you were feeling better," he said in a tried tone

" yeah I am..did you just wake up? I ask knowing the answer

" yeah haha," he said as I roll my eyes at the camera

" well that's good to hear baby girl," he said yawning while my ass was bushing

" So does that mean you can come over bc I miss you," he said getting me out of my thoughts

"Um yeah I was actually on my way over," I said silently laughing at the camera

"Yay, well ok I am going to be in the shower.. ig Grayson will let you in."

" ok, see you later bubz love you," I said bushing

" love you too baby," Ethan said making me bush 10 times more then I was.

With that I hung up thinking of Ethan, then I remember I was recording so I quickly came back to real life.

" ok, so I am going to head there now so I can be there before he gets out the shower.

After that, I turn off my camera and made my way over to their house. After about 20 minutes later I parked my car. Then put on a hoodie just so he wouldn't see it right then and there. As I rang the doorbell Grayson open it.

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