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Age regression.
1. If you feel uncomfortable reading any type of age regression please do not read this.
2. I do not know much about age regression, I'm just basing this off things I've read so please don't feel offended if I get some things wrong, just correct me in the comments.


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Jess giggled as she took her stuffed toy into her hands and jumped from her bed. She was finding it hard today but she had promised to film an among us video with the boys and a few others so she had to get a hold of herself.

Taking a breath, she began to put her stuffed animals down before making her way to the kitchen where she set up some food to cook. Usually when she had her "episodes" as people would call it, she'd do adult things such as cooking, cleaning and things.

She quickly made some food, realising that she was going to be late for the video.

"Fucking shit." The girl mumbled as she put the noodles she made on her desks before bringing discord up, joining the call.

"Hello." The girl spoke, getting a chorus of hellos's back chasing her to smile. "Sorry I'm late, I was making noodles."

Jess then joined the among us game, switching her colour to be white with devils horns. "It's fine, you're an exception." Talia spoke causing the girl to giggle slightly, knowing what she meant.

"Right we ready?" Simon spoke causing the group to all call out yes.

Jess muted her mic, imposter coming up as well as Josh making her squeal in joy.

Josh and her had been in a relationship for 3 years now and only the boy knew that she regressed as he was her daddy. The girl had accidentally slipped up once but the boys just teased them, JJ saying that he was living up to his name.

"Alrightttttt." The girl mumbled to herself before making her way to navigation where Vik and Simon were. She faked download before making her way to cafeteria where lux was stood, afk.

Giving a small giggle, the girl killed him before sabotaging lights, beginning to make her way to electrical where she stood on the stack, Josh killing Vik.

The body was reported and people began blaming each other before realising Lux was dead.

"Luxxxx, right who was the last to come into electrical?" Jess kept her mouth shut at Simon's words. That was until Harry called her out. "It was Jess, I swear."

The girl groaned before unmuting, defending herself. "Nu-uh, How would you know? Lights are off?" Jess muted herself as she giggled, the group now blaming Harry which caused him to be voted off.

Jess then made her way to medbay, pretending to scan when Tobi walked in. The girl but her lip as she did a little dance before leaving, not wanting to kill Tobi.

"Joshy, DOUBLE KILL?" The girl screamed through the house causing Josht to chuckle in his room before screaming back, "YEH! ADMIN!"

The girl made her way to admin, feeling herself to become more of a little causing her to shake her head. Seeing Josh, the girl squealed lightly, killing Simon while Josh killed Talia.

The two then vented, going to shields before both moving to storage where they met with Jide before moving to admin, Jess reporting the bodies.

"D-double kill in admin." The girl stuttered causing the last of the group to point it out. "Na she was with me and Jide at the end." Josh backed the girl making Jess smile to herself. She went to thank the boy before realising she had slipped into her headspace making her stop herself from exposing herself.

"Gamer bladder." The girl mumbled before the game started, muting her mic before making her way out of her room. She didn't really need to go to the toilet, she just didn't want to expose herself.

She heard Josh call her lightly, making her sigh before making her way to his room, seeing him standing up. "Finish the game!" The girl scolded, causing the boy to grip the girls chin. "That's not how you talk to me, baby."

But never the less, Josh sat in his seat, pulling the girl to his lap, motioning for the girl to play. Realising they only needed one more kill, the girl moved to admin where she saw Tobi once more.

"Go on." Jess just shook her head, moving away from admin and to coms where cal was and she killed him, the victory screen coming up.

"Daddy! Did you see!" The girl squealed, bouncing in the boys lap. When not getting a reply, Jess turned to the boy to see him smirking at her, raising one of his earphones off his ear, the yells of what the girl said coming from it from all his friends.

Jess lifted her hands to her mouth before moving off the boys lap, running out of the room and to her room, where she left the game and the call before hiding underneath her covers, her stuffed teddy with her.

She let tears drop down her cheeks as she whimpered about the situation.

"Baby?" Josh's voice came from her door causing the girl to hide into her duvet, not wanting to be scolded. "Hey, it's alright." The boy spoke soft causing the girl to peak her head just out of the duvet, her blue eyes meeting his brown ones.

Josh felt his heart swell at the sight of the girl, holding his arms out for the girl to which the girl sat up at. He frowned as he walked to the girl, pulling her into a hug while she sat on her bed.

"I-I'm sorry, daddy. I d-didn't mean to." The girl hiccuped causing Josh to sigh, running his hands through the girls hair, kissing the top of her hair. "It's good, baby. I told them to mute the clip when they used it. They won't judge you, baby, you know that right?" Josh bent down to the girls height while she sniffles lightly.

He caressed the girls cheek causing Jess to nudge her cheek against it slightly. "I-I'm sorry."

Josh chuckled, shaking his head, "there's nothing to be sorry about, baby." He pulled the girl into a hug once more before grabbing her noodles, giving it to her. "Go on, eat."

Jess glanced up to the boy, a small smile on her face as she nodded, beginning to eat.

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