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She was there. With him at all times. If they knew him, they knew her too.

She was always conscious of her surroundings when she was on her own but when she was with him- he made her feel calm. He made her feel safe despite her constant short term memory, she always knew to speak to him about what was happening.

London wasn't what was described over the world, not the posh place where everyone sips tea and speaks of the queen. Instead, it was dangerous, a place where boys didn't care for anyone's feelings only their mothers, where if you stood slightly different, you'd be jumped- or stabbed.

So whenever Simon would hear that the girl was walking to his house he immediately stopped streaming, moving towards the living room of his apartment where his best friend sat watching the football.

"Going out?" The dark skin man spoke, looking up from his phone as he noticed the slender man walking to his coat which was draped over one of the chairs on the dining table.

Simon gave a small nod, grabbing his keys before turning to his best friend, holding up his phone, "Jess is coming 'round but she's walking so I'm going to go meet her."

Jide stared at the boys back as he began to make his way out of the house, a small smile itching its way up to his face. He sometimes envied their relationship- wanting such innocent things to be in his own relationship, but he knew they all came with a cost.

Simon had only just gotten out of the block of flats when Jess was calling him once more, immediately causing the boy to pick up the phone.


"Simon, fuck." She breathed through the phone, her breaths rushed and harsh, "I think-I think-"

"Hey, hey, calm down." Simon spoke down the phone, eyes glancing up and down the road before he crossed it, careful of any oncoming cars, "tell me where you are."

Jess, however, couldn't think. She was staring painfully around the road, people walking past her like she wasn't even there- bumping her shoulder every now and then.

"I-I don't- I don't know." She whispered and it broke Simon's heart the way her voice sounded- like she was underwater and she couldn't be heard.

"Hey, it's alright, how about you send me your location, stay on the call though." He spoke quicker this time, stopping at the corner of the street just in case he was going the wrong way.

"Okay." The girl whispered as she pulled the phone away from her ear, putting the boy on speaker before pressing her home button.

"Send location," she muttered, "send location."

The girl went onto her Whatsapp before furrowing her eyebrows.

What did I need to do?

Noticing the green line at the top of her screen, the girl spoke, "Simon?"

"Yes?" His voice came through- sending the girl into a sense of relief as she sighed.

"What was I doing?" She asked, noticing how people glanced at her know she was on a call with it on loudspeaker.

"Sending me your location, darling." He spoke softly through the phone causing the girl to nod her head.

"Oh yeh," and with that, she went onto his number and sent her location, the ding being heard through the call making her sigh.

"Alright, I'm coming now, darling."

Short, boring, I know. I'm hoping to get back into things soon, so it should be better soon.

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