[bestfriend does asos] J.B

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"Hey guys , it's Jess and I'm back with another video. Today I'm here with my best friend drake- joking fuck drake. I'm here with josh and I've made him buy me some outfits from asos , with MY money by the way," Jess chuckled as Josh waved at the camera set in front of them , "and if they're shit I'm going to get Freya to break up with him" Josh made a sad face while he pushed the asos bag off his lap , "to try them on," he said , pushing the girl off her own chair making her fall.

"Whatever." The girl grumbled , going into the bathroom to change into her first outfit. (All ss will not be cropped , so if you want the outfits , their some of their names will be on the pictures)

 (All ss will not be cropped , so if you want the outfits , their some of their names will be on the pictures)

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Jess looked at herself in her mirror , turning to the side before leaving , walking back into Josh's room. She walked back in front of the camera , a small look of approval on her face.

"I like it , I just don't like how my fat pokes out between the top and jeans" she prodded with her stomach that was on show making josh grab both of her arms from behind saying , "you are not fat , and I picked it out because I know now you'll be getting a man cause of how good you look in it" The girl blushed slightly , shrugging before asking "so how much was it?" "£25". The girl gave a nod , doing a twirl before going to change again.

The girl groaned at how short the dress was , no straps to keep it up either

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The girl groaned at how short the dress was , no straps to keep it up either. Jess turned , her eyes widening at the angels on her ass. She then walked out , frown on her face as she stood beside Josh. "Why'd you get me this?" The girl mumbled , trying to hid the top of her body while trying to pull down the dress. "Because look , turn around," "Josh my ass is showing," the girl spoke as the boy turned the girl around , his hands holding the dress to the back of the girls thighs , the girl blushing at the closeness of the two. "Ass Angels" the boy exclaimed making the two laugh. "Alright go change ," the boy pushed the girl out of camera shot , watching as she walked back to the bathroom , his eyes training down as the girls dress rose slightly. He shook his head , reminding himself of having a girlfriend before doing a stupid dance move in front of the camera.

The girl bit her lip as she turned to look in the mirror , a bright smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around her stomach

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The girl bit her lip as she turned to look in the mirror , a bright smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around her stomach. She walked out of the bathroom , giggling as she twirled towards the boy who sat in front of the camera. "I love it." The girl spoke as she stood in front of the camera , Josh's eyes trained on her body as she spoke "it's not what I would wear like a tall but I love it , thank you joshhhhh" the girl brought the boy in a hug , Josh pulling the girl in between his legs as he sat in the seat. "See I got some good taste ,"

Josh watched as the girl twirled in front of the camera , a small smile on his face as he watched the girl be into herself. It was so rare to see the girl in such girly clothing and be happy. "Alright I'm going to change now," the girl then slipped away from the camera Josh mumbling to himself , "Jesus Christ , please no-" he glanced down to his joggers , them becoming tight as he glanced back up to the girls retreating figure.

Jess' eyes grew wide at the swim set , not usually going for bikinis as she hated looking at her body

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Jess' eyes grew wide at the swim set , not usually going for bikinis as she hated looking at her body. She shook her head as she left the bathroom , biting her lip slightly as she got in front of the camera , trying to shield her body from the camera. "Josh" the girl groaned as she turned to look at him , her back now facing the camera.

Josh leans forward , his hands grabbing her waist to bring her between his legs , his hands covering the girls exposed ass. "I think you look sexy," the boy mumbled , as he stared at the girls eyes watching as her cheeks blushed. The girl shook her head , going to pull away only for josh to grip her ass and pull her closer to him.

The boy leant up , his lip brushing the girls neck , "you look really good" Jess' hands were now on the boys chest as her breathing hitched from the boy who began to suck on the girls neck , his bear tickling her a little. "J-josh" the girl mumbled as he brought the girls head down with her chin , making her look at him. The boy glanced at the girls lips before leaning up , kissing the girl lightly.

Jess pulled back a frown on her face as she pulled away from the boys grasp. "Josh , you have a girlfriend - we can't" the boy frowned realising what he done , letting the girl go. "I- sorry"  The girl sighed as she walked back into the bathroom , Josh groaning as he slumped in his seat. She was his best friend , why did he feel so strongly about her? Why did he feel like this when he had a girlfriend?

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