[training||2] O.O

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Jess sat with Viddal as they waited for the fight to start. The first fight didn't go to well , Jide tying with Logan making the boy angered. Anytime the girl went into the boxing club , he saw the boy being vicious to the boxing bag or going mad with viddal.

They two became closer as Jess taught the boy some tricks in the ring , Jide then taking the girl out for a meal after to thank her. The girl soon became semi famous for being with the boy and she was forced to start a YouTube channel as Jide wanted her too.

The girls head shot up as they announced Jide's name , the big screens showing the boy beginning to walk down. Jess held her breath , scared with the outcome in the end. Jide walked past the two , nodding towards them making Jess give him a reassuring smile.

The girls foot tapped the floor at a fast pace , viddal trying to reassure the girl but even he had doubts. Logan has really tried last time and this time he had trained harder making everyone nervous. The girl watched as the fight started , her hands over her eyes as Logan started on the boy. "Oh my god" the girl mumbled trying to find something to grab onto. Viddal held the girls hand , trying to calm her but it wouldn't work. So the girl started yelling as she stood.

"Is that how your fighting Jide , huh? Like an ammeter, a little bitch?!" She knew the words would throw him off. The boy shook his head and began throwing more punches making Jess smirk. "Cmon , V, lets abuse him," the girl mumbled before beginning to shout insults at the boy , only fuelling his anger even more.

"So this is what I came for , for you to get fucked up?!" The girl yelled , Jide taking a moment to glance over to her , a small smirk on his face as he began punching the boy harder and faster. Until Logan made an illegal punch to the back of Jide's head , making him fall to the ground.

"Fucking hell," the girl mumbled as she tried to get closer to the ring. Viddal held her back , shaking his head when she turned to him. "That was some fuck shit" the girl grit her teeth as she watched the fight again. Viddal mumbled something to the girl , making her give him a weird glance before shrugging , shouting to Jide , "if you win , we can fuck!"
Jess gripped onto Viddal as they were calling out the scores , watching as Logan raised his own hand only for Jide's name to be called out. The girl screamed , jumping up and down , Viddal going just as crazy as her , shaking her around before lifting her up to sit on his shoulders.

The girl squealed before shouting towards Jide again , "you done it you pussio," the girl a small smile on her face as they boy looked over to her and Viddal , the boy chuckling into the microphone as he spoke , "of like to thank Viddal and Jess , who is actually on Viddal's shoulders right now , don't know why , probably because she weird , but still if they weren't with me all the way through this , I don't think I would've won today." Another man spoke into the mic asking Jide , "so who's Jess , she the lucky girl?" Jide chuckled once more before answering , "na , but she did agree that if I won , I'd be in for a lucky night," the crowed went wild as Jess stuck her fist up , "that's right"

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