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The girl touched the glass as the turtles swam around. She gave a bright smile as one of the turtles stopped swimming and went closer to the glass , putting it's head on it as if the girls was stroking it's head. Each boy had a soft spot for the girl , whether it be because the girls love for animals or her love for the galaxy. Or how she supports the boys through everything , or how cute the girl could be at times , even her crazy love for football. They all had a soft spot but only for her.

"Vik! Look it's a star fish!" The girl let out a small giggle as she pulled Vik by his hand over to one of the enclosures. The Indian boy chuckled , a small smile etched onto his face as the girl pointed out all the different fish in the tank. "Look! There's little nemo's" the girl stared into the glass , a group of clownfish all swimming together. Her eyes grew with excitement as the speakers to the room came on , a workers voice calling out "the feeding of the penguins will be happening in 5 minutes". Jess squealed , going behind the group of boys trying to push them forward. "Come on! I want to feed the penguins!" The girl squealed as Jide lifted the girl over his shoulder beginning to walk to the penguin enclosure.

"Can we get one?" The girl asked as she petted one of the penguins as she fed it. Tobi sat next to her feeding a penguin of his own , chuckling at what the girl said , "I don't think it works like that , blue" the girl sat back into her bottom legs in a kneeling position as the penguins jumped back into the water. "I think we should steal one" she whispered looking back at the rest of the boys that stood behind the two. Josh shook his head , "unless you want to go to prison ,  I wouldn't do that" he chuckled out.

The girl rested her head on simons shoulder as he carried her on his back. "You tired?" The lanky boy asked as the girl yawned. She gave a small nod , mumbling "thank you for taking me here today". Simon chuckled mumbling back "it's all good , blue. Anything for you"

The girl shut her eyes as her grip loosened on the tall boy feeling herself fall asleep on his back.

The girls head rested on ethans lap as her feet were on Harry's , the girl in a deep sleep as they drove home. "She should stay with us tonight" josh spoke as he looked back at the girl , "you guys are coming over anyway , right?" Tobi gave a nod from the passenger side seat, "yeh , she was going to come over mine tonight anyway to have a sleep over with me and manny"

Jide lifted the girl into his arms as she slept , carrying her into the house , "who's room?" The boy asked as they reached the stairs. "Put her in mine , I won't be up their to disturb her later" Josh spoke before closing the front door. Jide gave a small nod before ascending the stairs at a slow pace so he wouldn't drop the girl. Once he got to Josh's room , he slowly let the girl down on the bed , he smoothed some hair out of her eyes before pulling the quilt over the small girls body. "Thanks JJ" the girl whispered as she snuggled up to the bed sheets , "no worries blue , and next time I'll help you steal a penguin"

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