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Harry sighed as he got up, stretching as the sun shone into his room. He could smell the bacon coming for the kitchen where Lucy stood, making the two breakfast with a small smile on her face.

The boy sighed, grabbing his blue sidemen hoodie, putting it on before rubbing his hair. He didn't glance into the mirror they had in the room as he made his way out of it, a small smile on his face as he made his way to his girlfriend.

"G'morning," Harry mumbled as he sat at the island in the kitchen, Lucy turning to her boyfriend, giving him a bright smile. "Morning, baby." She murmured as she turned back to the stove, dishing up the food.

"You ready for the video today?" The girl asked, turning to give him a plate of food. Harry glanced up to the girl in confusion before realising what day it was.

"Sidemen filming," He groaned before looking over his food, "Thank you." Lucy smiled at her boyfriend, beginning to eat her own food.

"Are you coming?" The boy asked, sipping from the cup of tea the girl gave him. Lucy looked up to him, shrugging as she stood up, taking her plate to the sink, "Do you want me to?"

Harry blushed, looking down at his food, beginning to play with his food, "Please." Lucy smiled to herself as she turned to the boy, nodding to him, "Yeh, okay. I'll come."


Harry and Ethan had been parenting throughout the day with a fake baby , Lucy filming the two as they went places and she was contemplating even coming. She was enjoying herself but her stomach was hurting from laughing at how bad the two were at parenting.

Harry could hear the girls laugh every now and then and he wanted to try. He really wanted to show her that he could be a good father. But every time he'd try, Ethan would do something stupid and it would rub off on him and he'd do something stupid too.

And Lucy could tell. She could tell that he was trying. But she couldn't help but tease him every time the baby would begin to cry when Harry held it.

And Harry held his sadness in. He didn't want to show the girl that he was sad about the words she spoke. But it did hurt him, he really wanted the girl to see him as an adult not some little kid that he was when they met.


Lucy chuckled as she opened the door to their flat, a small grin on her face as she began to tease the boy.

"The way the baby cried every time you held it," The girl giggled, taking her coat off and putting it on the side. Turning to the boy she saw his saddened face making her frown.

"Baby?" Lucy spoke, moving forward to the boy to grab his hands. Harry didn't look up to the girl, a tear falling down his cheek. Lucy frowned even more, bringing the boy into a hug, her hand smoothing his hand.

"Oh, baby, what's wrong?" She murmured, bringing her head back slightly to look up to the boy. Harry sniffled as he shook his head, moving away from the girls hold as he wiped his tears away from his cheeks.

"I-I'll do better, I promise." The boy mumbled as he looked to the floor, not even battering an eyelash at the girl who stood in front of him.

"Baby, listen. You will be a great dad to some amazing kids we have when we are older, they are just fake babies and that's what made you and Ethan like that. And anyways, you two are a great match when doing things fun." The girl mumbled as she cupped his cheeks, lifting his face for him to look at her.

"I love the way you are anyway. You are perfect the way you are, okay?" Lucy smiled to the boy who gave her an innocent look which made the girl awe.

"Can we go cuddle now?" The boy spoke, looking down to the girl who chuckled, giving a small nod, pulling him to their room.

This was requested, also sorry it's so short but the chapters should get longer soon.

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