[spill the tea sis]S.M

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(I felt a need to write this after me and my best friend had funny ass night the other night where we recorder ourselves pretending to be Youtubers and answering assumptions/question)

"Hey guys and welcome back to my YouTube Chanel today I am joined with my best friend once again," Lucy spoke to the camera before Simon interrupted her , "Yeh that's me and Jess is also here." The two girl laughed at Simon , Jess shoving him back into his chair where he rolled his eyes , chuckling to himself.

"We are going to be answering some of your assumptions and questions today," Lucy continued , only for her to stop when Simon began making faces at her. "Simon stop being a dick head and read some questions," the trio laughed at Lucy's words , Simon beginning to speak.

"Who are you guys dating?" He began , Jess motioning for Lucy to go first , "I'm dating some guy called miniminter? He's kinda boring to be honest." Jess nodded at the girls words before they both looked to Simon who glared at the two. "And I am in a certain situation but I am not allowed to say who it's with since we don't want our business out yet." Jess spoke , pointing a finger to the camera.

"Alright next is an assumption , we assume Jess gets more attention because she is not in a relationship," Jess and Lucy looked towards each other laughing before Jess shook her head , "no I get more attention because Lucy doesn't like other people but him and me," Jess pointed to Simon before continuing , "but I mean it's complicated." Lucy laughed , pushing the girls head. "No it's because Jess gives good head." Simon gave a weird look before asking ,

"how would you know? Any ways ,  Lucy we suspect you want out of the relationship because you and Simon haven't been as close as you were." Jess glanced to the girl next to her before leaning back in her seat chuckling slightly. "Yo , whoever wrote this , you're dumb , I get the best dick so shut your mouth , talking bout I want out of the relationship , no bitch I don't."

Jess gave a small laugh from beside Lucy before glancing to her phone as it lit up on the floor beside her.

"The way Tobi looked at Jess when she was so clueless int he sidemen video made my heart warm. Is there anything there?"

Jess giggled at Simon as he wiggled his eyebrows. "I mean , I did suck his dick before so don't put that in," the three of them laughed but Simon nodded for the girl to continue speaking , "don't worry we won't put this in , but tell us."

Jess blushed shoving simons head away from her and she stood mumbling , "he just treats me right."

Short , sweet , and I'm bored 🙃

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