[clumsy] V.B

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The sidemen were gathered at a football pitch , filming a crossbar video which consisted of them and some of the girls. And let's just say two of the girls were more than hyped with the challenge.

Jess and Lucy were very competitive , so they often liked to put each other off when playing football where as Talia and Freya liked to keep everything slow and steady.

Lucy was sat on the crossbar as Jess was taking the shot claiming 'it was a distraction'. But Jess just aimed for the girl , kicking the ball as hard as she could. Instead of hitting the girl , the ball bounced of the crossbar making the girl scream and run to the goal , trying to jump up to hang fork the crossbar.

Instead of grabbing the crossbar , the girls hands slipped causing her to fall onto the floor. Lucy let out a laugh as the girl on the floor groaned in pain. "Jess!" Vik yelled running to his girlfriend. "I'm good v , I'm good" the girl groaned as she jumped up , "aww shit , I'm still smaller than you" the girl went to reach for the Indian boy only to stumble over slightly. "Oops" "she hit her head pretty hard" Lucy called as she jumped off the crossbar looking at her best friend.

"You two are just too crazy" Vik mumbled as he helped Jess sit to the sidelines , kissing her cheek once they were there. "Your cute vikky, I loveee youuuuu" "I love you too , clumsy"

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