[Runaway bride]S.M&O.O

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"Fuck.." The girl whispered, running a hand down her bare face as she stared into the mirror.

If you don't wanna go through with it call me or JJ, we'll get you out of it. She could still remember Simon's voice from weeks ago, clearing joking around but the girl was seriously contemplating calling him.

It wasn't that her soon-to-be husband was hurting her or horrible, it was jus that the two were being forced into this marriage and he only wanted her because of her parents money.

"Come on now, we got to get your ready- only 30 minutes?! GOSH!" Her mother rushed throughout the room, picking things up then throwing them down again.

A few more minutes of random groans from her mother before she turned to the girl huffing out in disappointment.

"Didn't you hear me the first time, doll? ITS YOUR WEDDING DAY!" Her mother yelled, her face turning red from the frustration she felt towards her daughter.

"I'd rather get ready on my own mother." The girl mumbled, averting her gaze from her mum to the mirror beside her.

"And why is that?" Her mother quizzed.

Jess swallowed harshly. If she didn't have a good excuse her mother would stay with her and force her to do the things the way she wanted it.

"I want it to be a surprise for you." The girl gave a small smile causing her mum to gush at her, grasping her cheeks between her hands.

"Oh dear, you'll be so beautiful, right, 30 minutes!" Her mother fussed some more before leaving the room.

A small tinge of relief settle in the girls chest as she grabbed her phone, walking over to the windows as she began to call the only person she trusted.

"Jess?" Simon's voice came through the speaker of the phone causing the girl to tear up at the realisation of what was happening.

"I need you to come." She whispered and Simon knew exactly what that meant.

"Alright, me and Jide will be there soon." Jess could practically hear the smirk as he spoke causing her to chuckle slightly wiping away the tear that fell down her cheek.

"I love you, Simon."

"Love you too, Jess."

The phone call ended after that and the girl decided to do her makeup. Might as well cheer my mother up a little, The girl thought, as after this I'll be nothing but a disappointment to her.

After getting ready, the girl let her hand glide down her dress, smoothing out the wrinkles as she stared into the mirror. She looked beautiful.

"Honey, it's time." Her father spoke from outside the door causing her to sigh, making her way out of the room.

Her father smile down at her, the subtle ignorance lacing in his eyes visible as he held his hand out for the woman to take. She did so, the two making their way down the aisle and towards the man who she was to be married to.

Come on, boys.

"If anyone objects to the marriage, speak now for forever hold your peace."

"I do not agree with this bitch marrying that bitch!" Jide yelled as he slammed the doors to the church open, holding a finger up.

The families turned, gasps leaving their mouths at the mans sudden appearance.

"Almost, JJ." Simon spoke as he followed the boy in, his cheeks flushing as he realised how many people were there.

Jess smiled brightly, turning to her fiancé as she took the ring off. "Sorry." She muttered before picking her dress up off the floor and began to run down the aisle in her heels, the yells from her parents causing her to giggle.

Yanking the heels off as she got to the door, both boys ran out, slightly in front of her as they ran down the stairs from the church.

The sound of the door being yanked open again caused the girl to yell in delight as she got to the car, JJ helping to pull her in before Simon had began to drive away, the sight of her father trying to run after the car causing the trip to laugh.

"You guys are life savers." The girl mumbled as she moved so her dress wasn't taking up half of the car.

"We always said we'd help you out at a time in need." Jide smirked before letting out a loud laugh.

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