[good girls]T.B O.O

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"Yo' babes , come here a minute!" Jide called as he stood behind the bars with Tobi , making Lucy and Jess look over. Jess shrugged at Lucy before pushing her making the girl stumble over. Harry and Vik took their turn as Lucy got to Jide who pulled her into his side mumbling in her ear "you wanna get us out of here?"

Lucy glanced up at the boy , a small smirk on her face as she asked "Well what's in it for me?" Jide smirked down at the girl before nudging Tobi mumbling something to the boy , who gave a nod before beckoning Jess over. "That isn't aloud!" Harry shouted as he pointed to the four who were now talking. Simon turned his eyebrows raised at the four.

Jess went forward , pulling the £50 from the cash she had and gave it to Simon who looked questionably at her. "The boys , they're out of jail now." She spoke , a puppy dog look on her face knowing it would get the boy. "Hey! She can't do that!" Vik spoke but Simon shrugged , nodding at the boys to leave the jail.

"Yeh we outta jail" Jide spoke as he walked out , Lucy under his shoulder who rolled her eyes , pushing him over to the visiting jail bit. Tobi smirked at Jess , giving her a small wink before following behind the boy. "That's not fair! They-" "hey , shush." Lucy spoke as she pointed at Harry who rolled his eyes.

"Alright we have , hotel hoes, we finna do that up since we don't need no other properties to put houses on , so 4 houses" Jess spoke , a small smile on her face as she handed Simon the money. "Hotel hoes for the hoes themselves," Josh spoke making the two girls laugh. "Na they hoes , but only for us." Jide spoke making Tobi shake his head but chuckle , agreeing with him.


"That means team skrr skrr wins so suck your mum and subscribe-" "no Lucy , thanks for watching , don't suck your mum cause that's mad but if you don't sub then yeh maybe do that" Jess interrupted Lucy , the two of them putting their thumbs up as they stood in front of the seven boys.

"But still , smash the like button and comment which team you thought should've won , so basically vote for us because we were cheated out of winning," Lucy spoke shoving Harry away from her as he stood in front of her. "Yeh and comment if you want to see us on here again , I'd not mind though because the next time I'm on here , I'm going to fight big man over here," Jess pointed to Tobi , "because he don't treat me right." The girl faked crying into Lucy's shoulder who held her.

"Hey hey , remember our deal, don't say I don't treat you right." Tobi spoke as he pulled the girl into his chest instead , his hands grabbing at the girls waist as they stared at each other. "Alright , and that's it!" Kon shouted , the rest of the group scattering off as Tobi leaned down to whisper in the girls ear , "the car?" Jess gave a small nod , blushing as she spoke "Yeh , the car."


The cars windows were steamy as Tobi held the girls waist , their lips locking while the girl rocked her hips. "God baby girl , mmhhmmm" the boy sucked on the girls neck , his hands grabbing the girls ass as she rode the boy.

Jess let out a little breath as the boy began to suck on her nipple , her hand reaching for the window as Tobi pulled back , the girls nipple staying in his mouth making the girl moan out loudly. "Fu-fuck daddy," the girl moaned into the boys ear as he let the girls nipple go , Jess biting the boys earlobe as he began stroking into the girl. Tobi groaned out at the girls words , his hand going down to the girls thigh , his thumb rubbing over the girls clit making the girl shudder , maiming our once more.

The two caught eyes as they both rode out their highs , Tobi cumming inside of the girl before laying a long , emotional kiss on the girls lips. "We should do this more often , I like the way you ride me" the boy growled in the girls ear before laying small kisses on the girls love bites on her collar bone. Jess gave a small nod , blush kissing her cheeks as she climbed into the passenger side , pulling Tobi's oversized jumper on so her body was covered.


Lucy gripped the boys dreads as he pounded into her , their breaths mixing as they both moaned out. "J-J s-slowerrrr" the girl moaned as her hands made their way to the boys chest , pushing him back slightly. Jide bit his lip as he slowed down , towering his body over the girl as he continued to stroke into her.

Lucy let out a loud moan as the boy went harder making Jide out his hand over the girls mouth , "shh , baby , Simon's going to heat you," the boy mumbled as he leant down before holding the girls waist up beginning to pound into her once more making the girl hold her own hand to her mouth , blocking out her moans.

The way the boy squeezed Lucy's thighs made her overload , cumming all over the boys dick. Jide felt his eyes roll back as the girl did so , Lucy lifting her hand to the boys neck to bring their lips together , Jide cumming soon after.

"You fucking disgusting pricks!" Simon yelled making the two laugh out before relaxing on the bed.

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