[Tourettes] H.L

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"Food?" Jess asked as she glanced to her best friend. Lucy felt a tic come on , nodding before shouting , "fuck." Lucy groaned after trying to calm down while Jess grabbed her by her hand , pulling her to the food place in the mall.

"Did you take your tablets today?" Lucy shook her head mumbling , "I've got none left , I've got some in the doctors for tomorrow." Jess nodded at the girl as she ushered the girl into a seat before making her way to the counter ordering the food.

Lucy sighed as she glanced around before realising she was about to have another tic , "SUCK OUT" Jess paid the person before noticing a group staring at Lucy making her walk back to the table , sitting down , a bitch face staying on her face. "You okay?" Jess asked nodding to the girl in front of her. Lucy nodded back scared of having another tic if she began to speak.

"Listen , don't be afraid okay? These dickheads won't do shit." Jess mumbled to the girl before there food was called making the girl stand up. Lucy glanced up to the girl , a look of innocence lingering in her eyes before she nodded smally.

Only then did she notice a group of boys in the food place as they stopped Jess , pointing a camera at her. Lucy shook her head , a small smile on her face as Jess took one of the boys' caps of their head , putting it on her own.

She looked around the room seeing another group that consisted of both girls and boys around her age. Just staring at her. Lucy glanced away before another tic was coming upon her calling out , "FUCK OFF!"

"Oi , you talking to us?" A girls voice came from the side of Lucy making her turn to see that group approaching her. She shook her head before bowing it not wanting to start anything. "Well why you keep shouting at us then?" One of the guys spoke , his voice gruff making Lucy slump in her seat. She glanced back to see Jess looking over ignoring the boys she was chatting to and staring at her instead with raised eyebrows.

"Oi we're chatting to you-" "oi , shut the fuck up and move away from her."Jess yelled as she approached the group , standing behind Lucy. The girl at the front laughed , staring at her with a disgusted look , "and who are you?" "Lose the attitude fucktard 'fore I beat it out of you." Jess growled as she motioned for Lucy to get up. "Go with the guys over there while I sort this out." Lucy nodded moving out of her chair only for the guy to stand in the way.

"Move 'fore I punch the fuck outta your face you little pussio." The road in the girl came out as she pulled Lucy away , pushing her towards the boy group who were now stood , Lucy twitching with her tics. The boy laughed going to walk closer to jess before she swing at him , the boy falling at the impact. "Oh my god! Why'd you do that?!" The girl at the front screeched bending down to the boy who was groaning.

"Wanna fucking do that to me?!" One of the bulkier guys said moving forward to the girl. "Wanna fucking try-" "move from her now." Jide pushes the boy back from Jess making her look to him before glancing to Lucy who was trying to calm herself down one of the boys talking with her.

"I'm Harry," the boy spoke making Lucy glance up to him , smiling slightly , "Lucy." They both reache dto shake each other's hands when Lucy twitched causing her to retract her hand , trying to hold her tic in. "SHIT" the girl felt her cheeks heat up mumbling 'sorry's' after making the blonde boy reach forward , grabbing her hand with his own. "It's all good , pretty girl. But I would get your friend back from trying to murder them people."

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