[maybe...maybe not]O.O

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Jess tied the bandana to the loop of her jeans, a small smile on her face as she looked into the mirror.

She had always been fascinated by the bandana's Jide had bought. All the different patterns and colours. She never understood why he'd stick to one of them when he had such a big variety in his wardrobe.

She had a red one tied to the loop of her jeans and a white in her hands. She moved around slightly, seeing whether she wanted to stay with the red one or switch it with the white one.

"Babyyyyyy? You want some Nando's?!" Jide called from the living room of his apartment, Simon chuckling when they didn't get reply.

Jide groaned, not wanting to get off the sofa, so instead pushed Simon up and nodded for him to go to his room.

"Why do i have to go, she's your girlfriend." The blonde complained before going anyway.

He knocked on the bedroom door, hearing a small 'come in' before opening the door and walking in.

"You want any-" Simon stopped speaking as he glanced up to the girl who was still staring in the mirror. Jess furrowed her eyebrows when the boy stopped talking, turning to him to see him just staring at her.

"What?" She questioned as she put the white bandana down, taking the red one off her hip as well, having to lean her head up to make eye contact with the boy.

"Nandooosss?" The boy dragged out as if the word was foreign in his mouth.

Jess chuckled as she crossed her arms, moving towards him. She let her finger poke at the bottom of his chest being where she came up to, "Why are you acting weird Minter?"

The boy gave a chuckle himself, his hand going to rub the nape of his neck. He shrugged his shoulders as he backed up to the door.

"Nun', so you want Nando's?" Simon's voice squeaked slightly as he looked anywhere but at the girl.

Jess grew even more confused as she stared up at the boy, trying to determine why the boy was being so weird.

"Can y-you put a top on. P-please?" Simon squeaked once more, the girls eyes widening as she looked down to her chest which was only covered with a laced, baby pink bra.

The girl screamed out as she ran into Jide's walk in wardrobe, hiding from the blonde who was blushing profusely.

Jide jumped at the scream, pushing himself off the sofa as he looked around before realising it was his girlfriend that had yelled. He ran out of the living room, stubbing his toe in the process causing him to groan out before making it to his bedroom.

He looked to Simon who was hiding his crimson cheeks, staring to the wardrobe door where he could hear the girl cursing at the blonde boy.

"What the fuck happened?" Jide's voice made the boy jump, shaking his head, rubbing his eyes.

"I-i saw- she-she-" The boy couldn't push his words out as he just shook his head, pushing him away from the door so he could leave the room.

Jide furrowed his eyebrows as he looked back to his best friend calling out behind him, "What about Nando's?!"

Without an answer, the boy groaned, walking to the wardrobe, knocking on the door lightly.

"What?!" Jess growled out, frustratedly looking around in the wardrobe to find her top.

"What happened?" The boy mumbled as he opened the door slightly, peeping his head into the room.

Seeing the girl sat on her knees as she rustled through the mess on his floor, the lack of clothes on her body made his face fall slightly.

"Did-did Simon see you like this?" Jide mumbled, looking down to the girl who slumped against the floor, her hands going in between her knees as she rubbed her fingers through the carpeted floor.

Jess flushed as she tumbled over her words, not knowing what to say. She bit her lip as she glanced up to him, giving an innocent smile.

"Maybe...Maybe not." She shrugged before frowning as Jide groaned, letting his head fall back slightly as he realised another man had saw his girl shirtless.

"I-i'm sorry, i was deciding which colour bandana i was going to wear- I forgot i had my top off and he just walked in." The girl tried to justify the situation while Jide just smirked down to her.

The girl continued to ramble on, keeping her eyes on the floor before realising the boy wasn't interrupting her; and that was weird for Jide.

Looking up, Jess caught the smirk on the boys face, sending a confused glance towards him.

"Were you wearing my bandana's?" The boy murmured, crossing his arms as he leant against the wall next to him.

The girls face heated up again as she smile down towards the floor again before mumbling, "Maybe, maybe not."

Jide chuckled before crouching down, grabbing the girls shirt, throwing it to her.

"Put that on, i'll get you, your normal order for Nando's."

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