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The guy named Teo took a deep breath before he went to the bed and took a sit beside the girl and glance over the others before he slowly slid one of his arm behind the girl back and pulled her up slowly.

The girl's head fall backwards as her neck clearly exposed before Teo slowly leaned in and he dug in his fangs as dark crimson red blood started to came out and drips on the bed sheet.

It makes the others had their eyes turned red as they try so hard to control their blood thirst. It was hard for them to control it especially when the blood were dark crimson and smells nice to them.

Teo the pulled away slowly and lay the girl back on the bed before he wipe of the blood at the corner of his lips using his thumb and lick it.

Then, he take a napkin and put it inside a bowl of water before squeezing the napkin to be half dried. He then dabbed it on the bite marks to clean the blood.

After he done, he put away the napkin and look over to his friend, “What now?”

“We'll wait first.”

All of them nod their heads and wait. It didn't take long enough for them to wait when the girl started to have her fingers moved first which make something bloom inside them.

Her fingers stop moving then which make them confused but still decided to wait. At first, they lose hope on waiting but once they heard the heart beat of the girl's, they decided to wait patiently.

It was the moment when the girl had her fingers moved again, her eyes shot open but it shocked them as gasps can be heard that are from the younger boys.

All attentions are going on towards her ways as happiness started to bloom inside them mixed with a bit of confusion.

⚠  ☣  ⚠

It feels weird inside you as you can feel something flowing through your veins and you're still seeing nothing but dark view.

Not long after you moved your fingers, your eyes shot open and a chandelier is the first thing that come in your view. You slowly advert your gazes around before deciding to sit yourself up.

 You slowly advert your gazes around before deciding to sit yourself up

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[ © Teen Wolf  ]

After you did that, you've met with nine boys who had their attentions laid on you. You still hasn't slips out any words off from your lips as you're busy staring around as your gazes slowly went towards your hands.

Your skin was pale but still has those reddish spot making you look kinda stand out especially in that matching black shirt and pants.

Then, your eyes went back towards those boys who had smiles plastered on their faces, “Where am I?”

“In our mansion.” one of them happily answered.

“And who are you?” you asked again.

“Your mate!

The word ‘mate’ somehow makes you mad before a chuckles left your mouth, “Mate?”


“I don't need no mate for me.” you said.

It kinda upset them but you just don't care since after what just happen before especially to those so-called mate stuffs.

You got off from the bed and stood still for a second before deciding to left the place and went home to your previous place.

But before you could left further more, one of them appeared after you and held both of his arms to his side, preventing you from leaving.


“No! I can't let you leave us again love.” he said which kinda triggered you inside.

Without knowing, you appeared behind him and keeps on walking away before a hand grabbed onto your wrist and pulled you back.

After you completely turned towards the person, both of you had an eye contacts together as something appeared again and it's the previous stuffs.

It makes you groan and growl at the same time before it ends by you ripping off your wrist from his grip.

You just decided to turn away and left the place as soon as possible but those boys still stops you by grabbing you off. Due to your crowded thoughts, your other arm reflect by itself and was about to clawed on one of the boy.

But before you could, a words lingers in your mind as you manage to stops yourself from continuing it.

‘Never hurt someone who really love you, Y/N. If they won't let you go, it means they truly love you until they willing to sacrifice themselves for you.’

You immediately snapped out of your thoughts and realising your violent action that scared the boy in front of you. He had his eyes tightly shut and one of his free arm is used as a shield.

You heavily breathed out as you glance towards the other who look kinda scare as well before you look back towards the boy in front of you.

His action remind you of yourself back then where you've always lived in fear of people. With that, you slowly lowered your arm and your tensed up shoulders eventually calm down.

The grip on your wrist loosened as the boy in front of you slowly took his arm off and opened his eyes before staring at you.

You had yourself looking at your hands that almost hurt a person cause of your thoughts. You looked towards the boy before he teared up and ran towards you.

He basically threw himself at you as his arms tightly wrapped around your waist and his face buried on your neck as he violently sobs and tightened his arms around you.

It makes you feel guilty of your unexpected violent action towards him as you can feel your face turned into a soft one and you glance over towards the boy who had you wrapped in his arms.

“Please love! Don't leave us, we can't lose you again. Just stay please.” he begged as he violently sobs.

You started to feel so guilty before your hand slowly went up and caressed his soft hair and the other one slowly landed on his back as you gave him a little soft pats on his back.

“I-I'm s-sorry.”

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