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It was dead silent before you turned towards Lune and saw there's still blood on his lips which make you turned towards Heechan who standing still there by the kitchen door frame.

Both Lune and Heechan just stared at each other like it was a staring contest not until Heechan's eyes also turned red. You gulp as you see Heechan made his ways towards the both of you.

He stops right in front of the couch before made himself crouches down and met your eyes. His eyes scanned the positions that you're in now which Lune still hovered above you while looking towards Heechan.

Then, Heechan casually pushed Lune off from you as his other free arm snakes behind your back and lift you up in a sitting position.

Then, Heechan take a look of Lune before he held you by your shoulders and pinned you on the couch. He then teared his gazes off from Lune and look towards you.

He then put his index finger under your chin and scan your whole face as his thumb slowly land on your lower lips that was still swollen.

“You bit her hard, Lune.” he said in his deep voice as Lune just tilt his head to the side.

“But you don't know really know how to do it in the right ways.” Heechan continued before his head lowered down to your neck and attached his nose on your skin.

Then, he sniffed in your scent deeply before going up towards your ear and whispered, “Shall I show you my way, Milady?

He then trace his tongue along your ear shell before pulling away and send a smirk to Lune who was standing there by the couch.

Then, he lean closer again and kissed you starting from your ear down to your jaw and neck. Then, he started to let his tongue trace your neck while kissing it before pulling away and giggles.

The reason he's giggling was because you're started to whimper accidentally which makes him smirk again.

“This is how you do it, Lune. Watch and learn.” he said.

Then, he kissed your collarbone before going up to your neck and kissed it before he went up to your ear and whispered, “It'll hurt a little, Milady. But don't worry, it'll went away.”

Then, he kissed your ear before going down towards your neck as his fangs goes into your flesh and starts to suck your blood.

You groan the moment you feel his fangs entered your flesh and your grip on his shirt tightened as you stared at Lune who was standing there. Lune seems jealous and he seems to be even more jealous when Heechan made you let out a yelp.

Then, Lune decided to approached the both of you making Heechan pulled his fangs out slowly and stared at Lune. Heechan just smirk when he saw Lune face.

Lune stare back before he decided to to buried his face on your neck too. Then, you felt a sharp things get inside your flesh too which makes you  groan. You grip onto Lune's shirt but he held it off and intertwined them together.

Suddenly, you felt a finger under your chin which is belong to Heechan. He then smiles and caressed your face before leaning in for a kiss as his fingers buried in your hair and play with your scalp.

You just shut your eyes due to the pain but it soon stops and Lune pulled his fangs out slowly with you slowly collapsing before Lune catch you up and pulled you close.

“Are you okay, baby?” both of them asked in sync.

“Yeah, just tired.”

Then, both of them peck your forehead and smiles before Lune passed you off to Heechan as he got off and head to the kitchen.

A few seconds later, he came back but with a bowl of water and some napkins. He out it on the coffee table and sit comfortably beside you.

Then, Lune took one of the napkin and wet it up before twisting it over until it was half dried. He then dabbed it on your bite marks as blood cames out from the twin holes on your neck.

It makes you hissed as Lune did it pretty slow so he wouldn't make you hissed out in pain.

After he done he put the several napkins covered with blood inside the bowl of water before he laid his head on your chest.

“How are you feeling now, baby?”


“Wanna rest?” Heechan asked.

You just nod your head as he laid himself straight on the huge spaced couch and spread his arm for you to lay on which same goes to Lune.

Then, their arms snakes around your waist before getting closer towards you so that you'll be heated up since it's cold outside.

“You should sleep, baby. You must be tired.”

You just nod your head before some fingers sink in your hairs and play with them as they tangles around the fingers.

“Better?” Lune asked.

“So much better.” you answered in a sleepy way which makes both of them giggles.

Without noticing, the three of you slowly fell asleep around each others warmly. You heard the front door open but your eyes are to heavy to stay opened which you just go to your dreamland.

While slowly fall asleep, you smell the other scents that are pretty unfamiliar with you. It's smelled like it's not the scents of someone from the town but it smelled like someone from outside.

But then, you shrugged it off and fell asleep.

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