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The boy who still has his arms wrapped around you sobs as he keeps on begging you to stay as the others tearing up as well as they had their heads hung low.

When you're about to open your mouth, a sharp pain stabbed around your neck area where the mate marks located. A gasps left your lips as those boys including the one that hold you lifted their heads as they wipe off their tears.

The one that in front of you loosened his arms around you and step away from you a bit to take a good look on you. Your eyes shut tightly as your other hand held against the mate marks spot.

It feels like your skins are burning from inside before you dropped onto your knees making those boys hurriedly rush over towards you in concern. You had your head hung low as the pain continued before a pair of warm hands connected to your cold cheeks as they lift your head.


You opened your eyes which make those boys gasped and had their eyes widened before their gazes dropped to your hand that held against your neck.

"W-what with t-those glowing roots looking on y-you?" the one in front of you stuttered.

You can't really answered them due to the pain before a pair of arms sweeps you off from the floor, "To the living room, guys!"

They all hummed in agreement before the one who pick you up teleported to the another room which you guess the living room. He then head off towards the nearest couch and put you down slowly before he crouches down beside you and put away your hair from your forehead and caressed your head.

"What should we do?!"

"I don't know either!"

They keeps on shouting towards each other before one of them stopped them all from keeps shouting more.

"I know! Call her now!"

"Her?! Are you serious?!" the one with longer hair shout.

"I am as serious as a tumor, okay?! Call her now!" the one with side split hair shout back.

Without any hesitation more, he seems like summoning the person they referred as 'her' as soon as possible. It didn't take too long when a female appeared inside the mansion with her loud voice as she shout towards those boys.

She had her back facing you before you shut your eyes the moment the female turned around. In a moment later, a pair of hands laid on your arm before the pain went away slowly.

She took your hand and a warm wind started to warmed you up before your eyes fluttered open and met up with the female's.

"YOU?!" she shout as you keeps on your normal face.

"Yeah me. Who else?"

"No stupid I mean how exactly?"

"Cliff stuffs?"

She loudly gasped as her hand placed against her wide open mouth with her eyes widened, "You jumped off the cliff, didn't you?!"


"And that's it?! That's your reaction?!"

You slowly nod in confusion before she slapped your arm, "Ouch! What?!"

"What if something really bad happen to you?! I've might lose you, okay?! They are included!"

You just sigh and looked away before you hear a sigh from her. "I've might lose you forever, okay? And I don't want that. They wouldn't want it too."

Her voice cracks but you just keep quiet before she held your hand tightly in her warm one.

"You've found all of your mate okay? What is it that makes you did it?"

"Cause they lied to me, okay?!" you burst out which makes her went quiet for a moment.

"Know why I try so hard to leave them?" you said as you point over towards those nine boys as she shake her head.

"Cause I don't want the same mistakes happened twice, okay! I . . . I just couldn't do it, Jinhee." you said as your voice get smaller each sentences.

The room got filled up by a huge silence and the atmosphere gets uncomfortable before you decided to break it off again.

"I'm leaving." you said as you got off from the couch.

Then, you walked off from the couch and head over towards the main doors before she stops you again.

"Leaving? What about them?"

"Pretend that we all never met before." you said as you look over to your shoulder.

With that, you left the mansion as those sobs from the boys can be heard from the mansion. You just left the mansion.

You keeps on walking through the forest and followed the way that lead you off to the town.

While walking, rain started to poured from the sky making you soaked up. You slid your hand inside of your pockets and continued on walking as your shoes collide with the soak soil can be heard echoed around you a bit.

After a while later, you've finally arrived at the town. You started to walk along the sidewalks under the heavy poured rain.

You decided to head off to the nearest store and bought yourself some foods. When you arrived at the store, you directly entered and grabbed off some small snacks and a bottle of mineral water before heading back to the counter.

After thr cashier done swiping the stuffs off the scanner, he put your stuffs inside a plastic bag and you handed him the money after seeing the price on the machine.

He took it and then hand you the change as you took it and head off outside. As you head outside you stops and decided to rip off the snack wrapper and took a huge bite on the bread.

After a while later, you've done eating as you chugged on your water before throwing off the plastic that has your snack wrapper and water bottle inside a trash bin.

Then, you left the store and continued on walking before you realise your place are a bit far away from the town which makes you sigh but decided to walk anyway.

But before you could walk away, a voice of a female stops you from behind, "Y/N?"

You turned and saw her which makes you to relax a bit before a smiles appeared on your face.


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