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You're now in the kitchen, cooking some dinner all by yourself and the peaceful quiet atmosphere. You're cutting some strawberries and apple before putting it nicely on the same plate there.

Then, you put it on the table behind you and turned back again towards the sink as you're now breaking the eggs for the omelet.

After you're done breaking the eggs, you beat it up using fork and then started cooking right after you've done adding anything you use.

While cooking the eggs, two pairs of arms snake around your waist which makes you flinch a bit.

“Hey baby.”

“Hi.” you shortly answered while frying the omelet.

He then tightened his arms around your waist while caressing your side. “Are you cooking dinner?”

You hummed and he put his chin on your shoulder. He then let go and went to somewhere before coming back again. You're finally done with the omelets and put it on a plate as you feel someone tying your hair up into a low ponytail.

You out the frying pan on the stove and the plate of omelets on the dining table.

“Thank you.” you thanked him after he done.

He just giggles before wrapping his arms around your waist again as your washing the knife, the bowls and the cutting board.

He was about to give you a peck on your neck but stops as soon as he sees something on your neck.

“What's this?” he asked while caressing your neck.

You realise that he was talking about the bite marks on your neck which you answered while being confuse, “Bite marks?”

“What I wanna ask actually, who did them?”

“H-heechan oppa.” you stuttered out while washing the bowl.

His arms let your waist off and before you could turned around, someone have turned you instead and it was GK. His face was too serious as he stare at your neck before his eyes advert to the other side.

“Here too? And who did this one?” he asked with his natural deep voice that makes you shiver.

“L-Lune oppa.” you stuttered it out again.

His eyes darkened which makes you look away before he out his index finger and his thumb on your chin, making you look back at him.

“I didn't told you to look away.” he said.

You gulp in fear as he started to suck in his cheek while scanning you up and down which is scary.

Then, a smirk appeared on his face before his tongue clicked as he picked you up and put you on the counter behind you with him leaning closer towards your neck down to your collarbone.

Before he could do anything, his eyes perks up and pulled away from you as he put you down on the floor again before leaning closer towards your ear.

“Seems like we're gonna continued this later on. After you put away tbe plates, make sure to come into my room. Straight to my room, no going back to your room and then left to go to mine. No, I don't want that. I want you straightly went upstairs and head to my room. Do you get that, baby?”


“Hmm, good girl. See you right after dinner later, baby girl.”

With that, he left the kitchen with you gulping down your saliva before continued to wash the bowls.

[ Skipped to dinner later ]

You're now in the kitchen, preparing the plates for dinner with D1 who help you along. After the both of you done, he calls out for those boys who were then standing right in front of you.

Then, they all took a sit on the dining table as you took your seat in between GK and Yuku. You guys started to eat as Yuku offers you some of the meat and other food which you gladly accept.

The others started to talk with each other later on while you just listen to their conversations not until you feel someone hand squeezing your thigh softly which is belong to GK. You glance over him for a second before looking away again.

You know it was actually a signal and you just continued to eat your food up and just listened to the other's conversations.

A while later, you guys started to eat the fruits and then finally you cleaned up the plates and out it on the sink.

“Night night, baby!” the others said as they one by one kissed you on your cheeks before left to go to bed.

“Night night too!” you shout back.

You're all alone in the kitchen before you wipe off the dining table upper surface to make it looks clean.

Then, you started to fixed everything inside the kitchen and hang the apron neatly on the hanging racks.

After you're done with everything inside the kitchen, you left to check your phone and it was about 11 pm.

Then, you out your phone down before deciding to left to go to GK's room. It made you hesitated at first that you're going upstairs but still head off anyways.

“Should I really go? But I'm gonna get in trouble for not going. Ugh, fine.”

Then, you walk along the staircase and head off to the third floor where GK's room located along with D1' room.

You walk along the corridors and walk pass D1's room as GK's room a few more steps ahead. After a few more steps ahead, you're finally in front of the door and inhaled deeply to throw away those nervousness.

You hesitated to knock the door at first but gave in by knocking on the door three times. It was dead silent before the door slowly creaks open by itself. There's no one inside the room but it seems like they allowed you to go inside which you did.

After you steps inside of the door frame, the door shut by itself softly. There's no GK's sign at all. You just stood still in your spot before slowly decided to take a sit on the edge of the bed.

You just sit there peacefully while swinging your feet around not until you heard footsteps around you.

It stops as soon as you look around but then, you feel something which makes you turned yourself around in a blink of eyes which only to be met with GK's eyes.

“Hey there, babygirl.”

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