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It feels like the times around you stops immediately as you can't feel anything except for a pair of masculine arms wrapped around you and that someone has keep you close.

But all you heard was a huge thud which makes you slowly opened your eyes and saw no other than them.


“It's us, baby.” he said which makes you pushed him off and backed off.

Niki went off towards you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder before keeping you beside him and Jay.

“Who are you and what do you want from our Luna?!” Heeseung asked as they stood in front of you, Niki and Jay.

“We should be the one to asked you that. Why do you have our mate over there?!” Changbin said this time.

Before Sunoo could opened his mouth, another wall got explode and this times DKB showed up.

“Hand over our Milady!” E-Chan shout as he point over towards our ways which he meant the boys who have you near them.

“No way! She's our Luna!”

“She's our mate!”

“And she's our Milady!”

They keeps on bickering while shouting towards each others which make you to inhale deeply before shouting.

“Calm the fuck down, would y'all!?”

All of them were shocked and immediately went silent after you let out a heavy sigh which makes them to scratch the back of their necks.

“Listen, can we please talk about these stuffs in a nice and good way instead of you guys shouting at each others like a mad person?”

“Y-yes, as you wish Luna.” Jungwon said.

⚛  ⚛  ⚛

All of you were accompanied by the silent atmosphere as rain poured out from the sky outside while all of you sit in the same living room, facing each others.

“Now no one's gonna talk? God damn it.” you said out loud which they nervously stared at each others.

They were all still silent which makes you frustrated, “Since no one is going to talk, then I'll go. What are you guys doing here, Bang chan?”

It shocked him but he immediately clear his throat before answering, “Looking for you, of course.”

“Looking for me?”

“Yes and we're scared you might get hurt, Y/N.” Lee Know said this time.

“Scared of me hurting?” you scoffed before answering again, “I've died okay?! I've literally died jumping from the cliff and if it weren't because of them . . .

That's probably the last time you'd see me.

It shocked them even more including Jungwoon and his brothers who were sitting beside you as your index finger still point over towards DKB.

“Because of your selfishness, I would have die by now and Heeseung and his brothers will still never find me by now and lost their Luna!” you shout this time.

“It's not what it's look-”

“Save it, Hyunjin! Save your excuses off cause I don't need those bullshit from y'all! I've lived my life full of hatred and met y'all while hoping that y'all would love me and care for me but guess what? You're just being selfish and only care for yourself!”

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