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You're now at the court inside building, alone. You're thinking off those things that happen in the school.

All the things aren't making any sense. Like the school is supernatural kind of related one. Magic and all that kind of stuffs still exist and the students a were the example?

You thought people now didn't believe in magic like you're not saying it's isn't true. You do believe in magic but how?

(well I do believe in magic and other supernatural stuffs like fairy and all that kind of stuffs lol)

A part of you wanna believe it but the other part of you aren't going to believe it.

Then, you just frustratingly scratch your scalp before deciding to ignored the things off. Speaking of your location, you're now heading to the fourth floor of the building since Youngji said he wanna meet you up there.

You're now at the end of the stairs of third floor. After you get there, the corridors were pretty empty. Its scared you a bit but you just decided to walked off there.

After a while of walking through the corridors, you just wanna beat yourself for going there. It was not Youngji but instead, it was the crazy guy from before.

“Well hello there, honey~

Your breath immediately stop after seeing the person. He noticed your action and a wide smirk plastered on his face, making himself looks even more creepier.

He then started to take steps forwards while you're taking steps backwards. “Aww, are you scare of me honey?”

The way he teasingly said that makes you mad but frightened at the same time. You know that there's no use for you to fight back. While taking steps backwards, you finally realise that your back was facing a wall.

When you look back at him, he just giggles and shake his head, “Poor our honey~ There's no way you could escaped me this time.”

He suddenly ran in a full speed towards you as you started to defend yourself with your arms in front of you and wait for the damage. But nothing happen except for someone's arm around your waist.

When you open your eyes, that creepy fella have flew away from you and hit his back on the concrete wall. “Hurting and threatening a poor girl like her isn't nice, bro.”

“Why would you care huh?!” that guy asked after spitting his blood off.

“Cause I want to and she had nothing against you for you to do that.” that stranger who held you said.

That crazy fella scoffed and spit his blood once again, “So what, it would be such a waste to let a precious prey like her-”

Before he could end his words, that stranger had that crazy fella pulled by some kind of invisible thing as he had his hand choking the guy.

But he manage to escaped the stranger's grip and appeared on his previous spot and a dark shadow appeared as it directly went towards you with it wide open mouth.

It makes you squint your eyes shut tightly as your arms automatically wrapped around the stranger's waist and his arm around your waist also get tightened a bit.

Then, a whimper can be heard which makes you slowly open your eyes and saw that crazy fella get choke by the stranger. There's a aqua coloured smoke came out of his palm before he pushed that guy.

“You've troubled a lot. You'll be dropped out from here if you don't stop.”

That guy just left the place by disappearing away which makes you realise everything's now makes sense especially what Tamara have said previously.

You slowly let out a shaky breath before the stranger lowered himself to your height and had his hand beside of your head. “Are you okay?”

Then, you slowly nod your head and he pull you into his embrace while caressing your hair softly along with that small pats he did on your back.

*        *      *

“I'm Seungmin and you're Y/N, right?”

“Y-yeah. Thank you for helping me.” you answered as he flashed you his warm smile.

“No biggy,” he answered before looking up to the sky, “Beside, I'm happy that I could help you tho.”

He then turned himself, as his smile never leave his face. You just stare at him before pressing your lips into a thin line.

“Is it true?”

“Hm?” he hummed curiously as he look at you.

“That . . . All of people here aren't normal human.”

He seems a bit shock but then he nod as a small smile was on his face with his head tilt a bit.

“Even . . . You?

He sigh softly, “Yes sadly. I'm a wolf and the previous guy who attack you, he's a vampire.”

You just lowered you head and avoid his stare. But, a hand lift your head by your chin. You just look at him and his eyes change.

“No matter what am I, I'll try my best to protect you okay?”

You just nod your head before he put your head on his shoulder and rubs your arm up and down. After a while, both you and him left the fourth floor and parted your ways.

You head back to the class and take your backpack off before heading off to the locker. Then, you took your stuffs off before taking your leave out of the building.

While adjusting you backpack, you saw those boys. They have look at you first before you did saw them and when you did, they just smile and waves.

You nod your head before leaving but those boys seems to follow you along but a bit far from you.

After a few seconds you thought, they finally manage to catch along with you which make you glance a bit while avoiding their gazes.

It seems like they just accompanied you along the way without any conversations. When you finally arrive at your apartment, you turned to face them but they aren't there anymore which make you just shake your head.

‘Tomorrow's gonna be different right?’

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