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“He almost got you, girl!”

You just sit there while eating your food, waiting for Jinhee to stop shouting and blabering about those boys but not too loud.

“Okay, okay. I get it, Jinhee.” you said softly and she finally sit herself down.

“Next time, escaped from them not just stand there like a statue.”

“Okay, I get it. Happy?”

“Very!” she said, face now turned into a smiley one.

But then, something hit you. You finally decided to ask her about the things earlier which you don't understand.


She just hums in response as she munched her food before looking at you.

“How did that Hyunjin guy appeared behind me in split seconds?”

She suddenly choked on her food which you immediately passed her the water bottle. She chugged the water up before taking a deep breath.

“Umm . . . What class do you have after this, Y/N?”

“Math but Jinhee-”

“Oh man, I have History after this tho.” she answered by cutting you off.

Before you could ask more questions, her phone suddenly rings. She picked it up almost immediately and then started to talk in somehow different language.

Then, she hang up and turned to you with a disappointed looking face. “I'm so sorry, Y/N but I gotta go now. See you tomorrow!”

With that she just left you there alone at the table. You just let out a heavy sigh and swing your backpack over your shoulder.

With that, you left the table and started to follow the map in your phone. Then, you turned your phone off and slid it inside your pocket while heading off to your class.

A while later, you finally arrive and decided to slide the door open. But, you regret as soon as you open them up. It was them, the human-spider boys.

You feel like you want to slap yourself for it but since you got no choice, you just went inside and took a sit a bit far from them. You could feel those stare they put on you which make you mentally cursed at yourself.

You just took your phone out and scrolled through the contacts. While scrolling, you can feel that those boys heading off towards you which make you wanna hit your head at the nearest wall.

Their presence keeps on getting near which make you bounce your leg under the table nervously but try not to obvious.

But something makes you flinched a bit and your breath hitched but soon as you lift your head it was someone else.

“Wait, you're Y/N right?” that guy excitedly ask.

You nod slowly and he then excitedly ran towards you and attacked you with a hug.

“Oh my god, I'm Youngji and it's so nice to meet you!”

You were blank but when you feel his taps on your elbows, you know what his signal is.

“Oh my, it's so nice to meet you too!”

You just play along the plan and he pulls away from the hug before taking a sit beside you. “Can't wait to introduce you to Tamara later!”


He nod, “Yes, she's my friend too and bet we can hang out tho!”

You just nod while smiling as he happily returned them back. Then, you're confuse. “Why aren't you in class, Youngji?”

“Meeting, remember?”

“Ah yes!”

He just chuckles and then started giving you signals which you understand immediately.

Did they do anything?

You just smile and then pretend to show him something in your phone but it's just a text you wrote for him.

No, they didn't. You manage to came early.

He then sigh in relief before started to talk with you along the time which you glad there's someone to protect you. (lol)

Even while talking to Youngji, you felt stares on you which when you glance over them, they had their eyes glows in yellow and blue. But then, you pretended like you're looking at the other things.

But when you pretending once again, and glance over at them, their eyes . . . It's black or maybe brown. Like what the hell?

When you tried to ask Youngji the same thing you asked Jinhee, he just started to changed the topic and even started to cut you off.

You even decided to pretend like you didn't know anything or remember about your questions. But, the school seems not normal at all or maybe it's just your thoughts.

You keeps on brushing the thought off but for real like you've saw plenty of those so called ‘human-spider’ boys had their eye colours changing.

‘I swear that this school and the students themselves aren't normal.’ you thought to yourself.

After it feels like forever, the school has finally ended which you feel really glad for it. Youngji have left from his previous seat and wait for you at the door frame.

When you're done, you left to go with him but you still took a small chance of glancing over those boys. Their eyes seems normal.

It makes you thought of yourself being crazy or something but decided to brushed it off and left to go home.

Youngji have left you alone at the corridors like for real why. It's not that you're scare or something but being cautious is a must.

Well speaking of you, you're now walking through the creepy corridor (jk) by yourself. After you get in front of your locker, you opened it up and shoved your school related stuffs inside. Then, you closed and locked it up before deciding to head back home.

But before you could left further more, there's a guy standing right at the exit way. His face was plastered with a smirk which makes your breath stops for a moment.

“Well, well. Who do I have here if it wasn't the one that Hyunjin called pretty baby?

His voice was creepy and it makes you shivers which him notice and makes his smirk grew wider.

“Aww, is the pretty baby scared?”

In a split second, he appears in front of you with his lips caressed your ear shell slightly.

“A pretty girl like you might have a pretty and delicious blood aren't you, little one?~”

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