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The blood of your nose are finally cleaned and it were awkwardly silent since they all sit there without even want to start a random talk.

“Sorry.” you blurted out suddenly.


“Because I uhh. I've been a burden to all of you.” you said which make all those boys seems like they feel bad about it before the one you leaned on caressed your hair.

“No need to be sorry, love. Besides, people make mistakes.”

Then, all of them decided to take sits a bit closer to the couch you're on. The one who wiped the blood for you then caressed your cheek as a smile plastered on.

“Well, since none of us know each other names . . . Why don't we get to know each other first?”

The others excitedly nod their heads before looking at you which you nod in agreement makes them cheered up as the introduction starts with the guy who help you to clean the blood off of your nose.

“Okay so, I'm D1 and the one behind you is E-Chan. So that's Teo, GK, Heechan, Lune, Junseo, Yuku and lastly the youngest one there is Harry-June. And we are your mate!” he said.

“Oh uh Y/N's the name. Nice to meet you guys.” you awkwardly said.

“Such a beautiful name you got there, love!” the one named Lune said.

You flashed them a small smile before Heechan ask, “Y/N baby, which year you're born?”

“The 00's liner.” you answered which make the six others cheered up.

“Why?” you asked.

“We have another person for us to babied! Oh and by the way, those three over there, they're younger than you.”

You look over and saw Junseo, Yuku along with Harry-June who was having red tint blush over their cheeks. You just smile to makes them feel comfortable with it which is worked right away.

After a small talks, you slowly get comfortable around them. They're all talk happily around you as you only listen to their conversations before you realising something.

“Where's Tamara?” you asked E-Chan.

“I heard she went out.” he answered.

Then, you nod before slowly got off from the couch which caught the others attentions as well. “Where are you going, love?” Teo asked while looking at you as well as the others.

“Upstairs for a minute.” you shortly answered as they nod before you left right away.

As you got upstairs, you left to go to Tamara's room and opened the door expect to see her there but no and when you look through the transparent glass of her office door but she's nowhere to be found.

You literally look after her all around the rooms but there's no sign of her. While busy looking after her, you didn't realise anything around you when you suddenly bumped onto something hard in front of you.

When you look upwards, you saw Lune who was looking down at your height.

“Oh, hey Lune.” you greeted which makes him smiles.

“What are you doing up here? It's been a few minutes you're up here? Are you looking for something?”

“Yep and I'm looking for Tamara actually.” you said which make him tilt his head.

“She said she's gonna be out of town with Youngji. Did she not told you that yet?” he asked.

You just shake your head to the sides as Lune nod, “She even told us to look after you here and make sure nothing bad happen to you while she's out of town.”

You just nod and when you're about to go downstairs, Lune grabbed you by your wrist which makes you stops on the same spot. You turned and saw his head hung low which makes you concerned.

“L-lune, what's wrong?”

You're about to reached your hand out when he suddenly grabbed your other wrist and pinned you at the nearest wall. It makes you shocked for his sudden action.

“L-lune, let me go.” you said while struggling.

He started to lift his head and his eyes completely turned red as the tips of his fangs showed up a bit as he smirks.

“I've been craving for it, baby.” he suddenly said which makes you confused and a bit scare of his action.


But before you could finish your words, he shushed you and started smirking again before he decided to leaned in and sniffs your scent in.

He backed away a bit and his eyes rolled upwards with him giggling a bit  before picking you up by your waist.

“Wraps your legs.” he said as you did with a bit unsure of it.

After you did, he put his hands on your thighs while taking you downstairs as you had your hands placed on his shoulders.

After a few steps he takes, he finally stops and put his hand behind your head before throwing himself.

You yelp as you had your eyes shut tightly only to feel that you've landed on something soft which you assumed a couch. When you opened your eyes, you saw Lune smirking down at you before he leaned in and kissed you.

[ am I the only one that think, Lune kinda gave me those Hyunjin vibes
(╥o╥) ♡  bye- ]

You had your eyes widened before he pressed his lips more onto yours making you shut your eyes with his hand placed beside your head and the other one caressed your head.

Then, he bit your lips making it bleed before he sucked the blood and giggles through the kiss. After that, he pulled away making the both of you pants trying to catch your breaths but Lune still stares at you while panting.

He then advert his gazes towards your swollen lips and caressed it using thumbs making you stare into his eyes.

He was still staring your lips as he caressed them and when blood came out, he wiped them off using his thumbs and licked it right after that.

While licking his thumbs, he had himself staring right into your soul while smirking.

“You taste so good and better that what I've imagined you to be.” he said before decided to lean in one more time.

But before he could attached his lips onto your neck, a voice interrupted making the both of you turned to see the person.

“What are you guys doing?”

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